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Friday, July 29, 2011


I was just sitting here wondering what ever happened to good wholesome American TV shows/drama/comedies. For instance:

The Love Boat
The Rich Also Cry
Another Life
The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Happy Days - We loved the Fonz!!!
Dr Quinn Medicine Woman
The Waltons
The Cosby Show
Little House on the Prairie – Thank God shows like these are on reruns on various networks
Westerns – In Nigeria we couldn’t really relate to the cowboys and Indians set up but we just watch when there is nothing else going on and if we have electricity.
Soul Train – Everyone I know were all trying out the dance moves, some smart Nigerians even tried to copy the show by producing a locally made one which turned out to be a hit for a while and fizzled out when other competition tried to cash in. [Remember Kessingsheen and Limca anyone?]
CBN News – We couldn’t get enough of Cathy Edwards and Sunday Osho then.

If anyone remembers any more you are free to post.

I grew up watching these shows and they made so much sense and you can relate to the actors then, practice the dance moves, read the news like the newscasters do and just generally have a fun day at home when the electricity worked but now sometimes turning on the TV turns out to be a bad idea because you are assaulted with all kinds of creatures that you wonder: Who will save us from all these assaults on our intelligence?

Now nudity, sex and alternative abnormal lifestyles is celebrated and we are supposed to just grin and bear it, if you say anything to the contrary you are branded a homophobe etc. God is watching and He is coming real soon to judge the world. He created it and like our earthly parents always said when we misbehave, “I brought you into this world and I will take you out”. He created this world and He can wipe it out too. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah?

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