It's being a while since I posted, it's been a busy time at work, working with a non profit is really tasking especially during the holidays because that is our busy season and every hands are on deck to ensure we maximize our presence in our community.
I have been a praise worship leader since 1993 and I just want to share a little about what motivates me while before and during worship. At the beginning of my ministry I was fortunate to read a book by the late Pastor Judson Cornwall titled "The Element of Worship". I jotted down some points from the book and I will love to share them with you.
Preparing your praise & worship songs is a crucial time to seek His face because there could be a message in those songs for someone in the congregation who desperately need an answer to their prayer or a word from the Lord. The time of praise and worship is not just a time for singing, it's time for healing, deliverance, salvation of souls, releasing of burdens etc and it is sometimes an entryway for the message from the Minister of God. So here goes:
1. Preparation of the leaders heart is necessary.
2. The leader should seek vision or direction for the meeting [Very important]
3. Part of the task is stirring the congregation, physically, vocally, emotionally to praise.
4. A standing congregation is more likely to find full involvement.
5. The leader needs to be relaxed [Very important]
6. Move purposefully from vigorous praise to more personalized worship, moving from the "We" to "I"
7. Have an open heart concerning the flow do not automatically follow a line and procedure that was particularly blessed last time.
8. As the worship becomes more intimate, the leader will become less prominent, mistiming a "breaking in" at a time of intimate worship can be disastrous - [it brings distraction and rather than the people concentrating on worshiping the Lord they are trying to find out what happened to the music or the leader]. So your timing is very important.
9. Realize that worship will ebb and flow, it is good to understand the variety of intensity that enhances the worship time.
10. Encourage the people to avoid "second hand worship" i.e riding on someone else's experience or inspiration. The hymn and choruses are excellent vehicles to take us into the realm of personal worship.
Above all know the lyrics of the songs you are singing. Practice, practice, practice, practice.
Leading praise worship is more than singing, it's a deep intimate expression of your devotion to God remember He inhabits our praises, see Him wrapping Himself in your praises and worship.
God bless you.
As usual, you are free to comment.
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