It's being a while since I visited due to situations and challenges I have been facing lately. I will like to share one of such incidents to encourage someone out there.
I love connecting people with friends or family they have lost contacts with and I take pleasure when such people are connected to their long lost friends or family and they have such joy getting back together so this past week, I read a comment from someone I just recently befriended on facebook and who is a member of my local church about meeting one of her long time friend's mother and since the lady in question was a former dear neighbour of mine who is such a sweet sweet soul, and also former member of my church, who now worships in another church closer to her house. I felt obligated to help make that connection a reality. So I commented on my new friend's facebook status about helping her connect with the lady and all hell sort of broke loose.
I was going to call this former neighbour to let her know someone wanted to meet with her or speak to her on the phone and to see if it was alright to give her phone number to his new friend of mine but I got sidetracked and forgot but at the back of my mind, I was still going to call her before the end of the week.
So yesterday when I logged on to my facebook page I was dumbfounded by what I read from my former neighbour's daughter who felt I exposed her mum's business on facebook and she also mentioned things I never shared which was disturbing to say the least. The accusations came with such venom, I didn't know what to do but cry at my desk at work that someone could read such bad meanings to my evil intention. Talk about misunderstanding!!!. As soon as she finished sending the email, she defriended me on facebook, which was not a surprise because I was going to do the same thing, with friends like that who needs enemies right? I added this lady because I knew her to be a christian believer and we have mutual friends and I was a guest at her wedding a few years ago.
After shedding a few tears to ease my tension, I called her mother [my former neighbour] whom apparently the daughter have called the previous night and told her all sorts of things that was not even written in the comment I made on my friend's status, I apologized for not calling her before promising to give her number to her daughter's friend and she understood and also stated she told her daughter it was not a big deal but apparently her daughter didn't get that memo because she made a big deal out of the situation. I also sent an email to the friend who wanted to meet her mum to let her know what happened and adviced her to ask the daughter to for her mum's number. My sweet kindhearted former neighbour apologized on behalf of her daughter and we had a pleasant chat, she is such a wonderful gracious lady whom I love chatting with. I have forgiven the lady [neighbour's daughter] because I feel she just misunderstood my intentions and I am trying to forget the incident ever happened as well.
This incident though trivial in other people's opinion could stop me from helping someone else, it robbed me of my joy for a few minutes but I remembered this Ron Kenoly song "I still have joy" and searched for it on youtube, found it and listened to it all day because it was a word from God to me. I just want to encourage anyone who have been misunderstood, who have their good intentions evil spoken of to focus on the joy of the Lord which is our strength, the enemy will come in diverse ways to steal your joy, he might even use someone who you never expected to be the joy robber. Chose to praise God joyfully.
Song: This joy that I have the devil didn't give it to me, the devil didn't give it, the devil can't take it. This joy that I have Jesus gave it to me, Jesus gave it, the devil can't take it away.
Chose to be joyful regardless of situations or circumstances and you will find out, your life is richer because of it, you are healthy, your facial muscles are relaxed and you look radiant. Happiness is a fleeting emotion but joy is everlasting and the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Be joyful, God's got all in control.
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