While sitting in church yesterday, this question popped into my mind and I had to pause awhile to really research deeply into this topic. I am guilty of this too.
We believe man more than we believe God for instance, here comes the doctor with a negative diagnosis, we immediately believe him rather than remember the our God is a healer and when meditating on the scriptures, there are so many instances healing in the bible and these are really terminal cases even resurrection from the dead before Christ and during Christ's life here on earth. Elijah raised the widow's son Elisha dead bones even raised the dead at one point. After the resurrection of Jesus, after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the disciples on Day of Pentecost, Peter and John at the gate Beautiful healed a lame man.
It was recorded that many signs and wonders were done amongst the people by the hands of the apostle. Dorcas was raised from the dead and also Eutychus who fell off the window while listening to Paul minister. God also worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, note the words unusual because all this miracle of healing were unusual cases so why do you think yours will be too much for God to handle?
God specializes on unusual cases, he over steps the natural laws to perform the supernatural in our lives daily. The power to heal, save, deliver comes from God. Magical formulas and magic words cannot secure this power, having alternatives does not work either. God can work in unconventional or unusual ways to accomplish His will.It could be something else, like finances, a wayward child, etc, God is up to the task.
We need to have our faith renewed in His word daily, trusting in Him every step of the way no matter how much the storm rages all around us, our faith should be unshakable in His Word knowing that since God cannot fail, then His word cannot be a lie, satan is the father of lies so how do you think God will want to be associated with lies? He is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that He should repent, has he not said it, will he not do it or has He spoken and will He not make it good? Numbers 23:19
The bible records that by two immutable things which is the impossible for God to lie, the Water and the Blood. We should have this confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He [God] hears us. And if we know He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. 1 John 5:14-15. Don't be like a sister of mine praying for peace when the bible tells me Jesus is my prince of peace and since I have Jesus I have peace already. What I should ask and pray for is Wisdom because wisdom is the principal thing.
What has God promised you, it's time to put Him in remembrance and wait patiently on Him, not wavering in faith, simply believing and trusting that God is able to fulfill His promises to you. He is dependable like that. I chose to believe Him, why don't you do the same. Remain blessed.
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