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Friday, December 23, 2011


I just need to vent this morning.

It all started when I was single, the question always was “when are you getting married?” “Hope you are not brushing off men because you are not getting any younger?” So because of all these questions and accusations I got involved in relationships I didn’t have business getting into just because I wanted to get married before it’s too late [ I don’t know who told me it’s ever too late with God].

Now I am married and it’s now questions again but on another scale this time – “Are you pregnant?” or even better “Congratulations!!!!” I wondered what I was being congratulated for until it dawned on me that due to my bloated stomach [it was my time of the month] one genius deduced that I was pregnant and started congratulating me. Sometimes these questions get me so depressed [sometimes I don't even want to get out of bed on Sundays] the next thing will be to start a quarrel with my husband who [God bless him] always insists that when it’s time God will bless us with children. He has always been a source of encouragement to me on this issue.

People we need to be more sensitive to other people’s feelings especially when it comes to getting married or having children. God’s time is always the best. So many impressionable young and not so young people have gotten into situations that right now they are praying everyday for God’s deliverance just because nosy people won't mind their business. If you don’t have any encouraging words to say to someone in those situations, the best thing is “SHUT UP” and keep praying for God’s intervention in their lives.

Most of all these accusing questions come from our families, friends, brethren in the church. Some even start prophelying [if there is such a word] and call it prophesying. Please all these needs to stop. I can’t count how many people have gotten into deep trouble due to all these prophesies because they want to make something happen and not wait for God’s timing.

While single, I was introduced to all sorts of men, physically or through the internet who were anxious to get an American green card and will say all sorts of sweet words to get here, thank God for deliverances from such ones. How about the ones who were already here in the States but just needed a “Sugar mummy” who will take care of them and their families back home or a sex buddy. It takes the grace of God to swift the wheat from the chaff and when it was time God brought my husband into my life and I have no regrets.

God already told me the amount of children I am going to have and I stand on His promises. He even gave me their names so I know in His Time even if it takes years [if Jesus tarries], the children will come and I am not going to second guess or try to make it happen in my own way and timing so please people asking me if I am pregnant. I have always had big tummy, anyone who knew me years ago will testify because it runs in our family and I have tried various exercises to no avail and spent money on body suits, shapewears, spanx, Dr Rey etc still no improvement. I do know when I become pregnant, it will be apparent to everyone so I beg you by the mercies of God, stop the inquisition and just continue to thank God for my children.

Pray and thank God continuously for those waiting for the manifestation of God’s promises in their lives and stop your accusing questions, the last time I checked the accuser of the brethren is still the devil and I don’t think you want to be associated with him in any shape or form.

God bless you as you receive this admonition in love and make corrections where necessary.


Monday, November 28, 2011


The spate of things happening in the christian world these days are really troubling. Things are truly getting out of hand, was just reading today about a pastor in Australia who got men in his church to swear an oath of total devotion to him and him alone forsaking their families for him. They are to seek his permission and decision about their daily lives, they are to acknowledge him everywhere they go. They must be in attendance in every meeting where he is ministering, sitting as close to him as possible and give him the necessary props he needs. They must never disagree with him or confront him when he is doing something wrong, his word must be the law at all times.

I understand loyalty to your pastor but not to the tune of elevating him/her to God's level. We are to follow our pastors as he/she follows Christ, they are never to take the place of Christ or to be idolized in such a way that we swallow everything they say, hook, line and sinker. Test every spirit and pray for discernment. There is need to search the Word of God for yourselves and see if what is being preached is in line with God's Word. I thank God for pastors in my life that emphasize studying and meditating on the Word of God. Respect and acknowledge the anointing upon the lives of your pastors but don't place them on a pedestal because a wise man of God once told me, "Men of God are still men at their very best" I pray we don't have another Jim Jones situation in our hands one of these days.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Elements of Worship Leading.

It's being a while since I posted, it's been a busy time at work, working with a non profit is really tasking especially during the holidays because that is our busy season and every hands are on deck to ensure we maximize our presence in our community.

I have been a praise worship leader since 1993 and I just want to share a little about what motivates me while before and during worship. At the beginning of my ministry I was fortunate to read a book by the late Pastor Judson Cornwall titled "The Element of Worship". I jotted down some points from the book and I will love to share them with you.

Preparing your praise & worship songs is a crucial time to seek His face because there could be a message in those songs for someone in the congregation who desperately need an answer to their prayer or a word from the Lord. The time of praise and worship is not just a time for singing, it's time for healing, deliverance, salvation of souls, releasing of burdens etc and it is sometimes an entryway for the message from the Minister of God. So here goes:

1. Preparation of the leaders heart is necessary.
2. The leader should seek vision or direction for the meeting [Very important]
3. Part of the task is stirring the congregation, physically, vocally, emotionally to praise.
4. A standing congregation is more likely to find full involvement.
5. The leader needs to be relaxed [Very important]
6. Move purposefully from vigorous praise to more personalized worship, moving from the "We" to "I"
7. Have an open heart concerning the flow do not automatically follow a line and procedure that was particularly blessed last time.
8. As the worship becomes more intimate, the leader will become less prominent, mistiming a "breaking in" at a time of intimate worship can be disastrous - [it brings distraction and rather than the people concentrating on worshiping the Lord they are trying to find out what happened to the music or the leader]. So your timing is very important.
9. Realize that worship will ebb and flow, it is good to understand the variety of intensity that enhances the worship time.
10. Encourage the people to avoid "second hand worship" i.e riding on someone else's  experience or inspiration. The hymn and choruses are excellent vehicles to take us into the realm of personal worship.
Above all know the lyrics of the songs you are singing. Practice, practice, practice, practice.

Leading praise worship is more than singing, it's a deep intimate expression of your devotion to God remember He inhabits our praises, see Him wrapping Himself in your praises and worship.

God bless you.

As usual, you are free to comment.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Nigeria"s religious junk - True or false?

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.  You will recognize them by their fruits,  So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit…Thus you will recognize them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:15-20).

I begin this blog by apologising to all my Nigerian brothers and sisters for its title. At first sight it is rather offensive, but I hope that as you read on you will see why I elected to still use it as a title. As nations or tribes or social groupings we take on a certain characteristic that is not true about each person in the group but which we come to be identified with. Hence, Paul could write, “One of the Cretans, a prophet of their own, said, ‘Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.’ This testimony is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith” (Titus 1:12-13). In the same way, we tend to (rightly or wrongly) identify Americans with arrogance, Kenyans with marathon running prowess, West Africans with fraudulent activities, Afrikaners with racism, etc.

I have just returned from a consultative meeting in South Africa where the first day was spent surveying the spiritual state of the countries in the southern African sub-region. Central to all this was the state of evangelicalism in all these countries. Nation after nation reported on the arrival of “Nigerian religious junk” that was changing the landscape of what there once was of evangelicalism. One or two of the countries were blessed exceptions. Evidently, this junk originated from mega-churches in the USA and then found ready soil in West Africa, and especially in Nigeria. Having given it an African flavour, it is now being exported across Africa at a phenomenal rate.

I feel very sad to write about this, but by “Nigerian religious junk” I mean the phenomenon of churches that are personal-to-holder. They exalt the personality of their founding father, who is still alive somewhere in Nigeria (or elsewhere) and is treated with the aura of a state president or paramount chief. It does not matter which country you go to, the bill boards of these churches do not have the faces of the local pastors of the congregations in those towns but of the founding father in Nigeria—or wherever he has since relocated. It is all about image and power. This “man of God” claims to hear the voice of God and proceeds to minister to you accordingly. If you do not obey him you are resisting the ministry of God into your life. So, the churches are often called “ministries” rather than churches. And to make them even more impressive, the term “international” is often added to their name.

The Africanisation of this religious junk is primarily in the way it has been made to appeal to African spirituality. The pastor is the modern witchdoctor calling all and sundry to come to him for “deliverance”. Just as the witchdoctor appealed to us by inviting us to see him for spiritual protection or when we were struggling with bad luck, childlessness, joblessness, illness, failure to attract a suitor for marriage or to rise in a job or get a contract, etc., these pastors do precisely the same thing. So-called prophetic utterances are made which explain why all this is happening, holy water or oil is prayed over and dispensed, and some money is extracted from the persons seeking help. Thus their churches attract thousands of people who are there for purely selfish reasons. The motivating factor is not reconciliation with God through Christ but rather “deliverance” from perceived evil and to be blessed through the supernatural powers that “the man of God” possesses. Let’s face it: this is our African traditional religions coming into the church through the back door.
The self-centredness of all this is seen in the worship. Churches are being turned into entertainment centres instead of edification centres. People come to church to be entertained, healed and blessed . The fact that professionals, who engage their brains when working with their hands five to six days a week, stop thinking and just dance and laugh in worship is extremely sad, in the light of the demand of God that we are to love him with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength. It has been the failure of Christians to think through the implications of their Christian faith on the whole of life that has left Africa filled with Christian churches and lack of development at the same time. Surely, if these professionals were thinking they would have added up one-plus-one by now and seen why their pastors have become stinking rich. It is not their faith but the money of their congregants, whom they cheat with promises, that makes them buy expensive cars and clothes and put up mansions. If one thousand individuals are “sowing the seed” every week to be blessed by the man of God, of course the man of God will get very rich while they will get poorer. That is simple common sense.

The result of this phenomenon of personal-to-holder churches has been the selective nature of church discipline. You do not discipline a Sangoma (i.e. witchdoctor)—or a chief! It is a known fact, even among the church members, that a number of these pastors have serious moral problems. However, “you do not touch the Lord’s anointed” and so they are not disciplined, even when they have impregnated girls in the church. One such anointed one in Zambia changed wives three times through divorce in less than six months and still remains the apostle of his church. To be fair, this man is a Zambian, but he has imbibed this personal-to-holder phenomenon from Nigeria. There must be accountability from everyone in the church—including the church pastor.

Yet another characteristic of this phenomenon which is particularly African is the craze for titles. We Africans love titles! Once upon a time, evangelical pastors were content to simply be called pastors. Terms like “bishop” were left to those who had an Episcopalian system of church government, which was a formal structure that rose to national and global level. Alas, that has now changed! With the advent of this Nigerian religious junk, it is titles galore! You now have bishops, arch-bishops, prophets, apostles, chief apostles, etc. Some are not even content with that and so have combinations like, “chief apostle prophet doctor so-and-so.” This is certainly very different from the teaching and personal lifestyle of the Lord Jesus Christ whom they claim to serve.

Having joy inspite of it all.

It's being a while since I visited due to situations and challenges I have been facing lately. I will like to share one of such incidents to encourage someone out there.

I love connecting people with friends or family they have lost contacts with and I take pleasure when such people are connected to their long lost friends or family and they have such joy getting back together so this past week, I read a comment from someone I just recently befriended on facebook and who is a member of my local church about meeting one of her long time friend's mother and since the lady in question was a former dear neighbour of mine who is such a sweet sweet soul, and also former member of my church, who now worships in another church closer to her house. I felt obligated to help make that connection a reality. So I commented on my new friend's facebook status about helping her connect with the lady and all hell sort of broke loose.

I was going to call this former neighbour to let her know someone wanted to meet with her or speak to her on the phone and to see if it was alright to give her phone number to his new friend of mine but I got sidetracked and forgot but at the back of my mind, I was still going to call her before the end of the week.

So yesterday when I logged on to my facebook page I was dumbfounded by what I read from my former neighbour's daughter who felt I exposed her mum's business on facebook and she also mentioned things I never shared which was disturbing to say the least. The accusations came with such venom, I didn't know what to do but cry at my desk at work that someone could read such bad meanings to my evil intention. Talk about misunderstanding!!!. As soon as she finished sending the email, she defriended me on facebook, which was not a surprise because I was going to do the same thing, with friends like that who needs enemies right? I added this lady because I knew her to be a christian believer and we have mutual friends and I was a guest at her wedding a few years ago.

After shedding a few tears to ease my tension, I called her mother [my former neighbour] whom apparently the daughter have called the previous night and told her all sorts of things that was not even written in the comment I made on my friend's status, I apologized for not calling her before promising to give her number to her daughter's friend and she understood and also stated she told her daughter it was not a big deal but apparently her daughter didn't get that memo because she made a big deal out of the situation. I also sent an email to the friend who wanted to meet her mum to let her know what happened and adviced her to ask the daughter to for her mum's number. My sweet kindhearted former neighbour apologized on behalf of her daughter and we had a pleasant chat, she is such a wonderful gracious lady whom I love chatting with. I have forgiven the lady [neighbour's daughter] because I feel she just misunderstood my intentions and I am trying to forget the incident ever happened as well.

This incident though trivial in other people's opinion could stop me from helping someone else, it robbed me of my joy for a few minutes but I remembered this Ron Kenoly song "I still have joy" and searched for it on youtube, found it and listened to it all day because it was a word from God to me. I just want to encourage anyone who have been misunderstood, who have their good intentions evil spoken of to focus on the joy of the Lord which is our strength, the enemy will come in diverse ways to steal your joy, he might even use someone who you never expected to be the joy robber. Chose to praise God joyfully.

Song: This joy that I have the devil didn't give it to me, the devil didn't give it, the devil can't take it.  This joy that I have Jesus gave it to me, Jesus gave it, the devil can't take it away.

Chose to be joyful regardless of situations or circumstances and you will find out, your life is richer because of it, you are healthy, your facial muscles are relaxed and you look radiant. Happiness is a fleeting emotion but joy is everlasting and the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Be joyful, God's got all in control.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A must watch and read. What has the church become?

Please click or copy this link to watch the video.

Below is a summary of the video.

Fri 28 October 2011
Miracles, expensive cars, exorcisms and bodyguards: religion is big business in Nigeria. Reporter Seyi Rhodes and director Matt Haan travel to Lagos to reveal the extraordinary world of the millionaire preachers.
By promoting the dream of escaping poverty, they have turned their churches into corporations, which are changing the face of Christianity.

Every Sunday millions of Nigerians crowd into thousands of competing churches. The team visits one church in Lagos run by Dr Sign Fireman, an up-and-coming preacher who is attempting to break into the big time.
They find 2000 people at an event billed as the Burial of Satan. After a rock star entrance, Dr Fireman begins his service by exorcising the demons in his congregation.
Many Nigerian Pentecostal Christians believe that demons are the root cause of their problems in life and come to people like Dr Fireman to get rid of them. Over 20 men and women, including some who worked for Dr Fireman, have the evil spirits inside them expelled.

Sick members of the congregation come forward for miracle healing. Dr Fireman claims to have God-given powers that can change people's lives, from raising people from the dead to curing earache. One man tells the crowd he is crippled and blind. Dr Fireman then channels his powers to help the man walk and see again. Yet, earlier the team has seen the man walking unaided.

At the close of the event the crowd swarms forward and throws money at Dr Fireman's feet. There is so much cash it has to be collected in dustbins. Rhodes talks to one worshipper who says that those who give money are repaid by God with good fortune.
Some Nigerian Pentecostal Christians believe giving 10 per cent of their income will bring God's blessing into their lives, their families and their businesses. With the service over, Dr Fireman leaves in his yellow Hummer 4x4.

Through the marketing of his talents, Dr Fireman has expanded his Perfect Christianity Ministry to 40 branches. Key to this growth is the emphasis on prosperity preaching: teaching that prosperity is a sign of spiritual blessing. The idea is that to become rich, you should give money to the church.
Pentecostal and independent churches in Nigeria tap into the Nigerian dream: the aspiration of having and being seen to have cars, houses, money and power. To get more people to join his church, Dr Fireman believes portraying the right image is essential and shows the trappings of wealth his church has brought him. He travels everywhere with his bodyguards in one of his three yellow luxury cars with a combined worth of more than £150,000.
Dr Fireman's business model is not a new one. Most of the richest pastors in Nigeria use similar methods of expansion. The team meets Pastor Chris Okotie, the fifth richest pastor in the country, who had hits in the 80s with records such as Secret Love and Show Me Your Backside.
His church, House of God, attracts Nigerian film stars, celebrities and musicians. Pastor Okotie has used his power base to run for the last three presidential elections, believing the principles of prosperity preaching will provide a better future for Nigeria.
Local journalist Simon Ateba says it's almost impossible to establish their true wealth. Simon takes the team to the headquarters of Christ Embassy. He claims that two years ago when he tried to take photographs of the building, security guards dragged him inside and beat him until he fainted. Soon after he tells this story, security guards drag Rhodes into the building by his belt. He escapes unscathed.
The team visits Dr Fireman. He's busy in a music studio recording a new song as he expands his business into the music industry. Rhodes asks him how he can square his wealth and celebrity status with the teachings and life of Jesus.
Dr Fireman says that God wants him to be rich and denies that Jesus had a humble life. 'Jesus was rich and had an accountant who followed him around,' he tells Rhodes.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wisdom from Psalms - Strength in affliction

Psalm 129:2
Many a time have they afflicted me f rom my youth: yet they have not prevailed against me.
Saundra was handicapped. Her hands were twisted beyond usefulness, and she had lived with them since birth. They caused her not only physical pain, but emotional anguish as well. Throughout her childhood, cruel children had mocked her. The damage done to her self-esteem was immense, and for a long period she believed that she could never do anything. In college she had met a friend who led her to Christ. In Christ she found a new desire to succeed and beat her affliction. She received a Master's degree in Therapy and Handicapped Services and became national spokeswoman for a handicap-awareness campaign. Though her detractors had always had something to say, Saundra prevailed and rose above her handicap.
The Lord gives us all the ability to rise above the things that limit us. If we will only lean upon Him, He will give us the will and drive to succeed in every situation. His power can be our power when we call upon His holy name.
Prayer: There are times, dear Lord, when I feel I don't amount to much. My self-image is bruised, and my determination is crushed. Be with me in those times, and lift me up. Amen.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


It is disheartening to read online or listen to the news and hear about all this suicides happening all over the place. I am an avid reader of the UK daily mail and sometimes I just get angry at the news of teenagers, married men/women committing suicides or murder suicides.

What exactly can make someone take their own life? You cannot create any part in your body so why do think its right to take your own life? I hear of teenagers committing suicide just because they were bullied in school or called names by their peers or as some claims they are unloved. I will encourage you to visit any African country and see the level of suffering children and adults suffer over there and see if they do not even have a good reason to commit suicide. You live in a privilege country where everything works and you can even get credit so you can afford to buy good things for yourself. You are driven to school by either your parents or the school bus and then a few people who do not matter say something behind you or even in front of you and the next thing you want to do is commit suicide?

I am not making light of bullying having been a victim while I was in primary and high school back in Nigeria and if you really want to see bullying then try Nigeria schools. While in school, I had eczema all over my face and body, bad and crooked teeth, lumpy and fat and a bookworm who was always in the class during recess and lunch because everywhere I go during the study hours in the school compound I was the butt of jokes and snide remarks.

I could recollect a day when one of my classmates lied against me that I took her money just because I was the only one in the classroom during lunch time, I was so engrossed in the book I was reading [King Solomon’s Mines] that I never noticed anyone coming into the class. All my classmates mobbed me and were yelling obscenities behind while I was walking home, I was so ashamed, and my mother had to come with me to school the next day to address the issue with the principal. It was a terrible experience that would have scarred me for life if not for the grace of God. There I was going through a public disgrace for something I never did. I wonder what the response will be if that incident happened here in the US.  I never had a cell phone or home phone while living back in Nigeria so receiving or making calls was for the privileged few. The few times I had to make calls I had to visit a telephone call center and pay to make a call. I guess the advancement of technology have brought in an excess in information hence the cyber bullying.

I have also experienced bullying while  in college and you will not believe it even in the churches I have attended, in Nigeria and here in the States so it goes to show you that bullies are everywhere and they can only get to you if you allow them. Remember “sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you”.

They may call you names but it’s the name that God calls you that is important and he calls you beautiful, good, precious, apple of His eyes, His child and  if you are having struggles in tuning their words out of your mind and heart call on the Lord who is able to deal with the bullies or the situation and give you peace of mind. After all He said “Come to me all you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest”. His word is true, yesterday, today and forever. Trust in Him.

Be encouraged that no amount of bullying/debt/divorce/strife/quarrels etc is enough to get you to take your own life or someone else’s. It does not matter what people say about you or behind you. Turn your anger/humiliation/debt etc over to Jesus and He will surely come through foryou.

Only God have the final say in your life, why kill yourself only to enter another level of suffering in hell fire? Because that is where anyone who commits suicide or murder suicide goes, no matter how good you think they were here on earth. God is the creator and He only have the final say over our lives and we don’t have the right to take a life we never created. Think about this the next time you are contemplating taking your own life or the life of others.

Is it truly worth it?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

No Matter What This Week Holds.

Just wanted to share this to encourage us as we go into a new week. Enjoy
Hello You...
the one welcoming the day and wondering what this week holds.
I don't know.
But I'm certain of this--there's One who holds us.
And He promises nothing is impossible for you.
Not that mountain you're facing.
Not that task you're dreading.
Not that decision you're afraid to make.
He may not tell us the details of what's to come
but He reminds us of what's ours no matter what...
A future.
A plan that's as good as He is.
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
--Holley Gerth

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

“The Essential Guide to a Lasting Marriage” Marriage”

In light of my last posting. I will like to share some of the tips from a marriage counselling blog I subscribe to. Enjoy.

You should you never go to bed angry with your partner? True or false

This material is taken from my most recent book “The Essential Guide to a Lasting Marriage” published by Alpha press. In my next three posts for this week I am going to share some of material that is in the book. If you are interested the book it can be purchased on Amazon in hard copy and Kindle formats.

*Note when I refer to Marriage I am also talking about long term relationships.
In the next blogs I’m going to be talking about some or the myths that I mention in the book. The reason I am doing this is because if you believe a myth it tends to become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The first one I’m going to talk about is the myth that you should never go to bed angry. Yes there are lots of reasons to not go to bed angry. You may have bad nights sleep as result of bad feelings between you and your partner; or if you are tired you are more likely to wake up cranky, but as I say in the book, if you are really angry you can’t set a time table. Sometimes it takes us a while to be ready to talk about something that is upsetting to us. Sometimes it takes our partner a while as well.

So here are four simple guidelines as to when it is time to talk about something that is upsetting you:

1.Make sure you are in a calm state of mind. If you are agitated as soon as there is some friction and if there was conflict the chances are great that the discussion might get heated. For a discussion to go well both of you have to be in a calm place.

2.Make sure that here is time; say 20 minutes to an hour depending on the severity and complexity of the issue.

3.Make sure that you’ve had some time to really understand where your partner is coming from. (I go into detail about this in my book “Negotiation for Couples”)

4.Go into the discussion with the understanding that some issues may not be resolvable, you just have to be in a place to agree to disagree.

In my next blog I will talk about how marriage/ relationships are not “Quid Pro Quo”, that is just because you do something to me it doesn’t work that I have to do something for you.

Note: I do practice some of this suggestions in my marriage and so far I can truly say they have been working for me. I write down my grievances point by point and I find time to discuss them with my husband allowing him time to address each point before moving to the next one and I find out there is no time to get angry or deviate, digress or rehash old wounds. Btw I am working on establishing friendship with the woman in my last blog post.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What do you do when your husband is just a roommate?

I overheard a conversation at the gym yesterday [yes I am trying to lose weight and tone up] between these two ladies and it really touched my heart so I am asking this question.

What do you do when your husband is now just a room mate? You both live in the same house, he cooks for himself, does his own laundry, cleans up after himself, though you both sleep on the same bed, he never touches you nor try to make love to you. If you are in the living room, he is in the bedroom and when you are in the bedroom he is in the living room or somewhere else in the house.

Apparently they have been married for a while, the woman wants to have children but the man is dragging his feet on the child bearing issue hence his playing the abstinence game. He refuses to go anywhere with her, makes excuses for his behaviors but still claims he loves her. She was deeply troubled about his attitude towards, any attempt she makes to talk to him or get him to seek help is rebuffed.

I know alot of our women have this issue but no one is trying to address it but sweep it under the carpet and present a godly [all if fine and dandy] face out to the world. We all here about letting your man have his way in the bedroom anytime he wants it but how about when you want it and he is giving excuses like, " I am tired, I have back ache, I have head ache" and this goes on for months.

From the conversation yesterday I found out the woman is a christian and does not believe in divorce and she has tried getting him to a christian marriage therapist but he refuses saying there is nothing wrong with him and he does not want to see a therapist or her pastor and she appears to be at the end of her rope.

Please I need inputs so at least I can print them out and give to her discreetly the next time I see her.

My heart truly bleeds for her and I know yours will be too. God bless you.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Looking Back with a Thankful Heart.

Looking Back
By: CWalther

When I look back I discover hurt, disappointment, and situations I wish I hadn’t have to face in life. There are things I will have to forget and people I (still) need to forgive.

It’s hard to imagine the lovely blue sky above when all you can see are the clouds in the sky. It’s then that you just want to pack up your things and escape to a place where there is nothing but blue skies and lovely sunshine.

We need to let go and move forward, true. But I don’t intend to be talking about these kinds of things and situations today. What I want to be writing about today is: Looking back to remind ourselves of things we must remember.

At the moment we are facing some “dry land”. Sure, it is lovely to be living in Ireland! We call ourselves blessed to be able to live here - where we can experience the variety of God’s wonderful Creation. What I mean with “dry land” is that we, after we arrived here, started out with “nothing” again: No car, no (own) furniture, etc. And it is tempting to start complaining... and wishing for... if you know, what I mean.

Now it is time to look back and remember!

Looking back to the days just after we’ve gotten married, and to them that followed: We started out with literally nothing. We bought one cup, one spoon, one towel at a time - and shopping was always quite exciting! Soon, we were richly blessed - the LORD was always faithful and kept on providing for us - and had more than enough.

Today, looking back, I want to remember and be thankful for all that the LORD had blessed us with.

We should not be looking back all the times. It makes no sense to be living in the past. On the other side, don’t forget to be looking back: To remember all the many blessings God has brought into your life.

My Footnote: Sometimes looking back seems like the best thing to do but one need to move forward, looking back to what shoulda coulda happened or what didn't happen. That job you didn't get, that engagement that got broken, that dream wedding that never happened, that promotion that never came but what came instead was a pink slip. We can slip into depression thinking on those things we never had, that goal we never attained but remember the bible did say "a living dog is better than a dead lion". We need to be thankful for those days gone by and be appreciative of where we are now and thank God for the future. "Because He lives, we can face tomorrow". God has a plan and purpose for our living if we can just continue to trust Him daily to supply the strength needed for living. So today look back with a thankful heart and move on to a brighter future. God bless you.
Lord, heal my hurts and give me hope as I learn to trust the plans You have for me. I'm coming to You and seeking You with all my heart today. Please set me free from my doubts and lead me into a place of confident hope. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Revelation Song. Love this song to bits

Friday, September 16, 2011

Being Thankful Changes Everything

Lysa TerKeurst

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12 (NIV 1984)

It was 1992. I sat on the bed, tears streaming down my face, negative thoughts racing through my mind...Why does marriage have to be so hard sometimes? Why can't he see my side of things? Why won't he change? Maybe I married the wrong man.

This was a scene repeated over and over the first five years of my marriage. I was discouraged, overwhelmed and so tempted to give up.

But here I am 19 years later, feeling so thankful I didn't walk away.

Ephesians 6:12 has reminded me over the years that my husband isn't my enemy. Art may feel like my enemy, but the truth is Satan is the real enemy who hates marriage and schemes against my husband and me.

Satan's goal is always to be one who casts something between two to cause a separation.

Satan wants to separate us in every way. He wants to separate us with conflict, hurt feelings, misunderstanding, and frustrations of all kinds.

He wants to separate us from our neighbors, our friends, our co-workers, our parents, our spouses, our kids.

He wants to separate us from God's best. He wants to separate us from God's heart.

One of the strategic ways Satan starts these separations is by luring us into a place of grumbling and complaining. If he can get us to focus on what is aggravating and downright negative in life, then little cracks of distance start forming in our relationships.

The grass starts looking greener everywhere else except where we are standing.

I can see this so clearly when I look back on the first five years of my marriage. Somehow, I became so hyper focused on all I felt was wrong with my husband, I became blinded to all that was good.

I grumbled and complained and nagged and set out to change him.

And I almost destroyed my marriage in the process.

Satan had a field day as the separation between Art and I kept ever widening. We went to counseling but my heart was so hurt—so hardened, I refused to connect on any level. I was bitter, grumpy and miserable.

Then one day as I was in a fit of tears asking God to please make things better, I felt challenged to start listing out things about Art that for which I was thankful.

It was hard at first. I had bought Satan's whispers seeing only the negative and believing there was very little positive to find.

But, with each positive quality I listed, slowly my perspective changed. It was as if the clouds of negativity lifted and I could see his good qualities once again.

How sad that I spent five years thinking the grass would be greener somewhere else. Now I know the grass is always greener where you water and fertilize it. And being thankful — really intentionally listing out things for which we are thankful — is a great way to start watering and fertilizing. It changes everything.

Dear Lord, thank You for helping me see how beneficial it is to be aware and appreciative of the good qualities in those I love. Lord, help me to recognize Satan's schemes and combat them with the power of having a truly thankful heart. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Don’t Let Your Heart be Troubled or Afraid, Just Trust God

I heard this distinctly this morning and I want to encourage us, regardless of what is troubling you, circumstances surrounding you, anxiety in your mind, worries that tends to overwhelm you. Just continue to Trust God. He is dependable. Shalom.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
Jesus is speaking about simple faith in this verse. Just trust God with your life today. Don’t complicate things by worrying. Do not be troubled about all the affairs in life and do not fear. The Lord has promised to never leave us or forsake us. Revelations 19:11 declares that the Lord’s name is Faithful. Rest in God today and give him all of your cares because he cares for you. Trust in the Lord and he will direct your steps. With God on our side, there’s no need to be afraid. He just wants us to trust Him.
Prayer: “God help me to trust you with all of the things that I am troubled about.”

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Encouragement to HOPE

You can hold on to HOPE-no matter what happens
because there's One who's holding on to YOU.
He'll stop at nothing and do anything
to make sure you have everything you need.
I'm waiting in hope with you to see all God will do.
He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all-
how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things? Romans 8:32
-Holley Gerth

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sun and the holy ghost (complete with a halo of light): Jesus is seen standing on a cloud Read more:

An eerie figure appears to stand on a cloud high in the mountains, arms outstretched, bearing an uncanny resemblance to Jesus. To complete the picture, the figure is crowned with a perfect halo of light.
Amateur photographer Luc Perrot was stunned when he saw the apparition 2,000ft up on top of the volcanic Cirque of Mafate peak, on the island of Réunion in the Indian Ocean.
The Frenchman had climbed the mountain to record a time-lapse video of the movement of the clouds on July 10 this year.
Spooky: The Jesus-like figure can be seen on top of the cloud, with a crescent of light shrouding him
Apparition: The figure, bearing an uncanny resemblance to Jesus with arms outstretched, floats on a cloud, with a crescent of light acting as a halo
Divine apparition? A close-up of the image shows how Jesus-like the figure looks
Cloud forrmation: Photographer Luc Perrot says the figure is probably the result of a weather phenomenon known as the Brocken bow


While sitting in church yesterday, this question popped into my mind and I had to pause awhile to really research deeply into this topic. I am guilty of this too.

We believe man more than we believe God for instance, here comes the doctor with a negative diagnosis, we immediately believe him rather than remember the our God is a healer and when meditating on the scriptures, there are so many instances healing in the bible and these are really terminal cases even resurrection from the dead before Christ and during Christ's life here on earth. Elijah raised the widow's son Elisha dead bones even raised the dead at one point. After the resurrection of Jesus, after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the disciples on Day of Pentecost, Peter and John at the gate Beautiful healed a lame man.

It was recorded that many signs and wonders were done amongst the people by the hands of the apostle. Dorcas was raised from the dead and also Eutychus who fell off the window while listening to Paul minister. God also worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, note the words unusual because all this miracle of healing were unusual cases so why do you think yours will be too much for God to handle?

Friday, September 2, 2011

Women's Anti Stress Diet

This is a specially formulated diet designed to help women cope with the stress that builds up during the day.

1 grapefruit
1 slice whole-wheat toast
1 cup skim milk

small portion lean, steamed chicken with a cup of spinach
1 cup herbal tea
1 Hershey kiss

the rest of the kisses in the bag
1 tub of Hagen Daas ice cream with choc-chip topping

4 bottles of pop
2 loaves garlic bread
1 family size supreme pizza
3 snickers bars

whole frozen Sarah Lee cheesecake (eaten directly from the freezer)



Send this to all the women you know or ever knew, and you will immediately lose 10 pounds. ;)

*Thanks to Pastor Tim for this joke!*

Monday, August 29, 2011

God is in control

Inspiring Words of Encouragement.

"Faith by its very nature must be tested and tried. And the real trial of faith is not that we find it difficult to trust God, but that God's character must be proven trustworthy in our own minds."

“You may pray for rain and for good harvest, in the end you must still intelligently cultivate and farm the land.”

We may not understand God's process but we can trust His heart.  One day, all of our question marks will be yanked into exclamation points ...  and we will get it.  Until then, we walk by faith and not by sight.

Let's listen to the words of our Abba Father, let's just relax in the moment and trust God to "bring the rope to us." If it's His best for us, He will do just that.

Storms will come.  Storms are a reality of life.  We will either become storm survivors or storm statistics. The choice really is ours to make.  We can stop telling God how big our storm is and start telling the storm just how big our God is. The key to enduring storms is to embrace each one that comes, knowing it contains and can yield a seed of victory.

Pearls are formed when a piece of grit, sand or shell get trapped inside an oyster. It protects itself from irritation by secreting a nacreous liquid around the particle which eventually builds into a pearl.
Weaknesses give way to strengths and failures lead to successes ... and God use it all for His glory and my good.  In God's economy, a mess is the perfect setting for a miracle. At the center of every dark moment are a sliver of hope and a seed of victory.  God has gone before you, and in every trial or difficult circumstance you will face, He has buried a treasure. When the tough times come, look for the pearls.

Excerpts from various Girlfriends in God Devotionals.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Growing up as a young girl back home in Nigeria, I had two boyfriends because I felt if one of them gets serious then I can ditch the other one. I found out the folly of this logic when both of them decided to go play the field at the same time with other girls and I ended up loosing out. As it is in the natural things so I found out it’s happening in spiritual things also. Many believers sometimes find themselves playing the same game with God [current company included].

Sometimes we feel that we should have a plan B just incase God is too slow in acting the way we want and at the time we want. We claim the promises in the scriptures, confess our faith in God almost everyday, quick to quote Heb. 11:1 and Phil. 4:19 but come crunch time we are seeking another solution to the situation, we feel if God delays, we can always check out other alternatives but there is futility in those alternatives.

The bible says in James 1:8 “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. I give this example all the time that when you are standing in the middle of the road, any oncoming vehicle from both directions will hit you, so you either to the left or to right, there is no middle way. You either believe God and wait for His visitation or go with the alternative.

We believe God for various things, jobs, children, promotion, marriage, finances etc, but how many of us are really waiting upon the Lord or are we holding onto our understanding on how to find a solution suitable to us in our own timing? Hence my question, what are you holding on to? God’s promises or your alternative?

One of the perfect examples in the bible is Anna the prophetess and Simeon in the temple Luke 2: 25-38 who believed what God, told them concerning the coming Jesus. Remember the prophets prophesied his coming years before their time but they kept believing, Simeon had a revelation from the Holy Ghost [this was before the Holy Ghost was poured out on the early believers] that he will not see death before he had seen the Christ. Anna served God in the temple with fasting and prayers night and day and when she saw the manifestation of what God has promised she gave Him thanks.

Do we still have people like these or do we have a microwave generation that will rather believe in their abilities or talents rather than believe God. We have preachers/believers who are ready to manipulate the word of God rather than take some time to hear what God is saying to their congregation or concerning a situation facing them? These days we don’t fast and pray to hear God anymore, we just go “with the flow”, no fresh manna or fresh songs from heaven anymore we just copy what the world is doing and sprinkle God on it and pass it off as “revelation”.

I remember being in the choir back in my church in Nigeria, LRA, we had to pray to birth new songs from heaven, sometimes we are standing in God’s presence for hours just worshipping and waiting for His visitation and boy did we have a visitation or what!!!. I will never forget our Minister then, Sis Funlola Craig, she truly impacted a lot in my life which I will be forever grateful to God for her ministry. But what do I see these days?

Choristers are in a hurry to leave choir practice; musicians are hopping from church to church, playing instruments for the highest bidder. Where is the love for God and His work in our hearts? Congregations/believers are in a hurry to leave His presence, we are more conscious of time more than before, we are constantly in a hurry to leave to go do things we have no business doing, so we can come back and beg for God’s forgiveness and as the graceful and always forgiving Father, he does forgive and cleanses us, but how long are we going to keep God as an afterthought in our lives?

I am challenging myself and anyone who will be reading this to BELIEVE GOD regardless of how late we feel His timing might be, remember He is the Lord of the time and seasons and if he has promised, he will surely bring it to pass. Our alternative plans have a tendency to add more to our waiting time, believe me I know. Serve Him with all your heart not expecting any reward from man in return and see if He won’t show up for you. God does not owe any man. God is a rewarder and in due time He will reward if you faint not or get discouraged.

God does not need our help in making His word come to pass in our lives. HE IS GOD ALMIGHTY!!! What we need to do is just believe in Him and stop straddling between two fences, we will tear ourselves apart. Phil. 1:6. “Being confident of this very thing that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ”. I have never seen God abandon a project and I don’t think He is going to start with us.

Monday, August 22, 2011

To Live Free: The Way

Just wanted to share this, it truly blessed me.

T. Suzanne Eller

Faith: Knowing Christ

What if a footprint appeared in front of you today? One after another. Leading you to higher ground. Or through a dark place where there is no light.
What if there were roads all around you. Crossroads. Turning points. And yet those footsteps faithfully appeared.
According to scripture, those footsteps are there. Jesus is called the Way.
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. John 14:6
If He is the Way, then staying close to God means you will stay on course. . . all the way to Heaven.
What does it mean to stay close to God?
To consider your faith as a personal relationship. One in which God listens, God speaks. You listen. You speak. The Word comes alive as it becomes a conversation.
To respond to what you hear, even if you want to run the other way, stay put, or charge on in your own strength.
He may say “wait” or “stop” or “don’t go there” or “come close during this storm”. Or He may say keep walking and trust Me.
We don’t have to live without direction. We might not have the whole picture or the complete plan, but we have the next step.
Just you and God:
To live free: God is the Way; walk in His footsteps.
Scripture: John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. Colossians 2:7
Today: Make it personal. Close everything else out and look for the next step as you follow the Way.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I have a sign hanging on my cubicle at work that says “What will Jesus Do”. I tend to ask that question every few minutes during the course of the day. Why? You may ask it’s due to the “sandpaper” people amongst people I interact with on a daily basis. Sandpaper people you may ask, are the ones I find it hard to get along with due to differences in opinions, lifestyles and work ethics, denominations, religion.

Sandpaper is paper with sand or another abrasive stuck to it, used for smoothing or polishing woodwork or other surfaces. It is used to refer to something that feels rough or has a very rough surface. I feel the sandpaper people in our lives are there to fulfill the role God has destined for them, they there to smooth en our rough surfaces, we need them in our lives in order to fulfill destiny. Most of tend to ignore such people, keep them at arm’s length, avoid them, make sure we are as far as them as possible but I don’t think that is what Jesus would do in such a situation.

Let’s take a look at the life of Jesus, who is our role model. When he was 12 he was already in the temple disputing the scriptures with the scribes and Pharisees [They were seen to be the spiritual know in all in those days] Luke 2:46-47, He touched a leper [which was a taboo in those days] healed him and angered the Pharisess Luke 5:13. He even had secret disciples amongst the Pharisees, of whom one of them was Nicodemus who came to Jesus by night. John 3: 1-2. One of his disciples was Zaccheus who was a tax collector Luke 19: 2 [Remember in those days, tax collectors were hated] and how can we forget the woman that anointed his feet with the alabaster box of precious oil Matt. 26:7. The woman at the well of Samaria John 4:10-12 the woman whose daughter was possessed by demons Matt 15:24-28. Simon Peter’s betrayal. Matt 36: 33-34. Pontius Pilates at His sentencing. John 18:33-38. The children of Israel who cried Hosanna on palm Sunday and crucify Him 3 days later.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is God Enough?

Read this and it blessed me tremedously and I just wanted to share.

Is God Enough?
Melissa Taylor

"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19 (NIV 1984)
Is God enough? It's a question that my circumstances bring me back to quite often. Over a lifetime I've concluded not only is God enough, but He has to be enough.
It takes effort on my part to make sure my heart is staying in this truth.
As a young child, I didn't realize my need for God, but I did realize I had a need that was not fulfilled. I was sexually abused when I was seven years old. My dad left our family when I was eleven. Both circumstances left me devastated, and I didn't understand how God could bring healing at that time. I spent many years trying to heal myself and make myself feel better.
Nothing was enough to meet my needs. Nothing worked.

As I grew older, I moved from being a Christian who simply believed to becoming a Christian actively seeking and following Jesus. And my life began to change.
Because I was having direct conversations with God and consistently reading His Word, I was challenged. I learned that when the hard knocks came, and they would, I needed to ask one question in order to move on: "Is God enough?"

When a friend betrays me, is God enough?
When I need to forgive what seems unforgivable, is God enough?
When my child has issues out of my control, is God enough?
When my marriage is on the brink of destruction, is God enough?
When I am not forgiven by another, is God enough?
When my mom is dying of cancer, is God enough?
When others don't recognize my value, is God enough?
When I struggle professionally, is God enough?
When someone I love uses words to hurt me, is God enough?
When I am in debt and don't know how I'll pay my bills, is God enough?
When my past haunts me, is God enough?
When my health declines, is God enough?
When I am let down and disappointed in my life, is God enough?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


My friend @Billyb had a blog which inspired me to check out a video called Wake Up Church he had posted a few months back and I am inspired to write these words down to present how far the Church has fallen and the urgency to be Jesus' Church. This is about the 1st 2 minutes of a 10 minute video.

David Wilkerson: You will rarely find a message now on repentance. Rather what we have now are prosperity messages, apologetic doctrines, massage people’s ego messages, feel good messages.

Keith Daniel: Look at what has become of the world Church of Jesus Christ!-through you-losing what you should have been. But God waits for His people. God waits for His people. When will they take the stepping stones God has placed in His word? – We need to take a good hard look at our lives in the mirror of the Word of God and examine ourselves if we are truly in the faith and make amends where necessary, we are living in the last days. We are to be like the 5 wise virgins having oil in our lamps so we are not at loss at His coming.

David Wilkerson: Church that has forgotten its foundations. A Church that has turned away from its foundations and becomes a harlot church. We are preaching apologetic doctrines, trying to not offend the congregation lest they leave and the finances of the church takes a dive, forgetting that God should be our source and the not people. People pleasers and not God pleasers.
Carter Conlin: Just, just tell me how blessed I am. Just tell me I'm going to be powerful and popular and gonna have no trouble in my life-just tell me these things! – Just tell me I can give God a hundred and receive a thousand back because God is a money doublers, I don’t have to live a holy life since I am claiming and receiving His blessings so I can continue in my sins and not be afraid of retribution because I am a “tither” God is at my beck and call after all my tithe pays His salary right?

David Wilkerson: Watered down, half truths. This gospel says " Just believe and get saved"-There's nothing of repentance-nothing of Godly sorrow, nothing of turning from your sins-nothing about taking up your cross and following the Lord. But people who say a little prayer said "You're fine, you're good!" Maybe the scripture that says we should “study to shew ourselves approved unto God a workman that needeth not be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth” or “ Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are His and Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity” 2 Tim 2: 15 & 19. Maybe these scriptures are not referring to us, are they obsolete?

Keith Conlin: People believe in any standard-even if it's the New Testament-is legalism and bondage and law! Any standard is law. "I'm under grace, I can do anything." No! That's from the devil! – 2 Cor 7:1 “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.  We are called out to be separate unto the Lord and not to blend in with the world; there should be a difference between those that serve the true God and those that don’t.  We are the called out ones and not the blended in ones. If you are under grace then you know grace is a continuing process and you need to align yourself with the will of God which is holiness and through the help of the Holy Spirit continue to live a holy life shunning all appearances of evil, looking unto Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of your faith.

Jim Cymbala: Now we've revised that and said " If you can get people for one hour on Sunday morning in the building-that's the Church". That's not the Church! " We can use every device we want to get people for 1 hour to keep it early and keep it moving and keep it going." But that's not the Church Jesus built. -  
Hebrews 10:25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (NIV) As members of the body of Christ, we belong to each other.Romans 12:5 .. so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. (NIV) It is actually for our own good that God want us in fellowship with other believers. We need each other to grow up in the faith, to learn to serve, to love one another, and to practice forgiveness. Though we are individuals, we still belong to one another.  We spend a lot of time watching unnecessary TV shows, playing games, doing things that does not edify but we can’t spend a few hours fellowshipping with our fellow brethren in the presence of God? It is a sad day when we are anxious to leave the presence of God. The multitudes were with Jesus every single day, sometimes neglecting their own well being or families, they followed Jesus everywhere he went even when he decided to retreat to a quiet place to pray and meditate, they still followed him so what excuse do we have, Jesus shed his blood for us, died a horrible death on the cross to redeem us back to the Father and we can’t even spare a few hours in fellowship together to share his word through songs and His word? We are truly living in the end times when men are lovers of themselves!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Heartlight Devotional

Be blessed as you read and meditate.
2 Corinthians 7:1
Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out reverence for God.
Thoughts on today's verse
In a world so full of distractions and temptations, purity is difficult. Even more than difficult, the call to purity often goes forgotten and ignored. Cheap grace is substituted for a call to passionate living. While we never want to give in to a "works righteousness," we also must remember that impurity through laziness, lack of commitment, or simple rebellion are contaminating to those claiming to be Christians and ruin our influence before the watching world.
Purify my heart, my life, my body, my influence, O God. May my words and my thoughts be blameless in your sight. I want to be holy as you are holy and honor you as only you are worthy of honor. You alone are God! Through Jesus I ask it. Amen.

Monday, August 15, 2011


In the NASB the word most often translated “wait” in the sense of waiting on the Lord is the Hebrew qavah. Qavah means (1) “to bind together” (perhaps by twisting strands as in making a rope), (2) “look patiently,” (3) “tarry or wait,” and (4) “hope, expect, look eagerly.” 

The second most frequently used word translated “wait” is yachal. Yachal means “to wait,” or “hope, wait expectantly,” and is so translated in our English Bibles. 

The KJV sometimes translates yachal as “trust” as in Isaiah 51:5, but the NASB has “wait expectantly” and the NIV “wait in hope.”

A third word sometimes translated “wait” is damam. Damam means “to be dumb, grow silent, be still,” but it is sometimes translated “wait, tarry, rest” (cf. Psa. 62:5 KJV).

A fourth word for waiting is chakah, “to wait, tarry,” or “long for” (cf. Ps. 33:20; 106:13; Isa. 30:18).

Waiting certainly plays an enormous role in the unfolding story of God's relationship to man. It is God's often repeated way of teaching us that His power is real and that He can answer our prayers without interference and manipulation from us. God does not need our help in fulfilling His promises to us, He is God Almighty and He is more than enough.

The waiting period, can seem to be a land where time seemingly stands still. It is a place where life is put on hold. When we are in the waiting room, it seems as if progress has come to a screeching halt. I have always said, "the longest period in a Christian's life is that space between when the prayers were made and the manifestation of the answer to prayers".

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What Grace is Not.

A few days ago I wrote on Grace and today I want to continue on the same subject by sharing my thoughts on what Grace is Not.

First of all Grace is never given out of fear. You show grace by living in fear in your relationship with God and your brother or sister because "perfect love always cast out fear". We should love in grace and not fear.

Grace is not a licence to sin. Romans 6:1-2 says "Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? Our lives in hid with Christ in God, so we should honor God at all times in our word, thoughts, deeds. We are bought with a price so we need to cherish the fact that we should no longer be a slave to what we have been delivered from.

Grace is not a licence to live a life thinking that all that is necessary is just to have faith in Christ and let him do all the work. Faith without works is dead. Phil. 2:12 says "work out your salvation with fear and trembling" Christ also said in Luke 13.24: "Strive to enter through the narrow gate". The Christian life is a race and everyone should strive to finish strong even the Apostle Paul in 2 Tim 4:7 said "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith". Even watching the modern day athletes, no one gets a medal without striving for it, so how do you think the Kingdom of God is different?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Politically correct statements- Food for thought.

Your bedroom isn't cluttered, it's just "passage restrictive."

Kids don't get grounded anymore. They merely hit "social speed bumps."

You're not late, you just have a "rescheduled arrival time."

You're not having a bad hair day, you're suffering from "rebellious follicle syndrome."

No one's tall anymore. He's "vertically enhanced."

You're not shy. You're "conversationally selective."

You don't talk a lot. You're just "abundantly verbal."

It's not called gossip anymore. It's "the speedy transmission of near-factual information."


The food at the school cafeteria isn't awful. It's "digestively challenged."

No one fails a class anymore, he's merely "passing impaired."

You don't have detention, you're just one of the "exit delayed."

These days, a student isn't lazy. He's "energetically declined."

Your locker isn't overflowing with junk, it's just "closure prohibitive."

Your homework isn't missing, its just having an "out-of-notebook experience."

You're not sleeping in class, you're "rationing consciousness."

You don't have smelly gym socks, you have "odor-retentive athletic footwear."

You weren't passing notes in class. You were "participating in the discreet exchange of penned meditations."

You're not being sent to the principal's office. You're "going on a mandatory field trip to the administrative building."
But seriously isn't that what is going on in the world now and it's slowing creeping into the Church too, so called Christians don't want to pray in Jesus name anymore but in "your son's name" who is the son? Remember Jesus says anything we ask in His name, He will do it for us, so to whom are we praying when we say "in your son's name"? Jesus has a name USE IT!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Halleluyah He reigns!!!!

The Fine Art of Disaggreeing in An Agreeable Way

The Fine Art of Disaggreeing in An Agreeable Way

The purpose of these tips is to make a good relationship better, to help you keep things running well.
Do couples have to agree about all, most, or some issues to have  a good relationship?

We know that most problematic issues (69% – see Dr. John Gottman’s research) do not get solved, they get managed.  Successful couples “agree to disagree, with out prejudice.
Happy couples are respectful of differences and realize that there way is not the only way.  The real issue is: can folks disagree in an agreeable way.

The other day I got really angry at my partner and she got angry at me because of how I responded. (I hate to say it maybe she was right).  I though I was justified and she thought I wasn’t.  We were both right and we were both wrong. 

What we needed to do was to:
1.    Calm ourselves down
2.    Not be righteous (How dare he / How dare he)
3.    Realize that the anger wasn’t as important as what we did with it.  What we need to do is to let go of our grudges and realize the other person feels as wronged as we do.
4.    Get back to enjoying and supporting each other

In other words, it’s not the out come of the disagreement, that is who is right and who is wrong, it’s how respectful couples are of each other even when the feel angry at the other person.

My last word on the subject – Even though the 4 step process that I have suggested above in this blog works it’s easier said than done.  I know I’ve been there.
My last last words  are:
Respect is a powerful tool in getting past an argument.

Do you agree? Let's hear your thoughts.

Monday, August 8, 2011


While reading my daily bread devotional this morning I came across this question? I started my bible reading from Luke 6:30-49, 7:36-50. These two chapters especially these verses “27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you. 32 “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. 35 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. 36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful” got me thinking about my life, physically, materially and spiritually. Am I a reservoir of God’s blessings or a channel to reach others, believers and unbelievers?

First of all let’s define a Reservoir: A natural or artificial pond or lake used for the storage and regulation of water. A receptacle or chamber for storing a fluid. An underground accumulation of petroleum or natural gas. Anatomy A large or extra supply; a reserve: a reservoir of good will. Medicine An organism or a population that directly or indirectly transmits a pathogen while being virtually immune to its effects.

Then let’s define a Channel: The bed of a stream or river. The deeper part of a river or harbor, especially a deep navigable passage. A broad strait, especially one that connects two seas. A trench, furrow, or groove. A tubular passage for liquids; a conduit. A course or pathway through which information is transmitted: new channels of thought; a reliable channel of information. A route of communication or access. Often used in the plural: took her request through official channels. In communications theory, a gesture, action, sound, written or spoken word, or visual image used in transmitting information. Electronics A specified frequency band for the transmission and reception of electromagnetic signals, as for television signals. Computer Science A site on a network, as on IRC, where online conversations are held in real time by a number of computer users. The medium through which a spirit guide purportedly communicates with the physical world. A rolled metal bar with a bracket-shaped section. A temporary opening in a cell membrane that allows ions or molecules to pass into or out of the cell.

We will notice from the above definitions how a reservoir and channel works, a reservoir is a storage place while a channel is a passage or pathway, a connector, communicator an information carrier.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Let the true worshippers of God Arise and take their place.

Texas warns of rolling blackouts amid power shortages after air conditioners go on overdrive as state endures 39 days of 100F-plus heat

Brethren let's lift up these cities before the Lord in prayers for rain!!!
  • Arkansas and Oklahoma also see record highs as temperatures soar
  • Texas woman dies after having air conditioning unit stolen
  • 'Excessively dry' conditions announced in ten U.S. states
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 5:27 PM on 5th August 2011

Electricity officials in heatwave-hit Texas have warned of impending rolling blackouts from power shortages as the U.S. state struggles to cope with the relentless scorching temperatures.
Texans have turned to air conditioners in huge numbers in a bid to beat one of the hottest summers on record in America's second most populous state.
But bosses for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) say the soaring power demand in the face of the brutal heatwave has left the state one power plant shut-down away from rolling blackouts.
Starved of water: Texas State Park police officer Thomas Bigham walks across the cracked lake bed of O.C. Fisher Lake on Wednesday as the state battles the month-long heatwave
Starved of water: Texas State Park police officer Thomas Bigham walks across the cracked lake bed of O.C. Fisher Lake on Wednesday as the state battles the month-long heatwave

Lifeless: The remains of an alligator are seen in Fisher Lake, San Angelo State Park, Texas on Wednesday as the much-hoped for rain from Tropical Storm Don didn't materialise
Lifeless: The remains of an alligator are seen in Fisher Lake, San Angelo State Park, Texas on Wednesday as the much-hoped for rain from Tropical Storm Don didn't materialise
Temperatures in Texas are currently topping 100F (37.8C) and have been soaring for well over a month.
Record highs have also been recorded this week in nearby states Oklahoma and Arkansas as the relentless heatwave spreads across southern America.

Seek and ye shall find me - Read and be blessed.

Seek and ye shall find me


Psalm 24:6,  2 Chronicles 7:14

The prolific 18th century Christian author and preacher Charles Spurgeon wrote:
[...]“true seekers are very dear in God’s esteem, and are entered upon his register. Even seeking has a sanctifying influence; what a consecrating power must lie in finding and enjoying the Lord’s face and favour! To desire communion with God is a purifying thing. Oh to hunger and thirst more and more after a clear vision of the face of God; this will lead us to purge ourselves from all filthiness, and to walk with heavenly circumspection.”
Seeking God, his face and the kingdom of God is a welcome and open invitation to all who truly desire to know God.

To seek the face of God is to seek His presence.  The word “face” is a Hebrew idiom that means, “The presence of God.” Seeking God is not some unfruitful pipe dream, for Jesus himself said, “you shall find”. Psalms 24:6 states, “This is the generation that seek him, that seek Thy face oh Jacob.  Selah.”  2 Chronicles 7:14 encourages and commands, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land.”
Its important to know that when the Bible tells us to seek God, his “presence” or his “face”, its an idiomatic enjoining. According to The American Heritage Dictionary, an idiom is “…a speech form of expression of a language that is peculiar to itself grammatically that cannot be understood from the individuals’ meaning and its elements.”  In lay terms, an idiom is a simple word that is used to describe something much more than it actually is.  In this case, when we seek the “face” of God, we seek His presence.  Because God does not have a face as you and I, the idiom in this case is to seek His awesome and omnipotent presence. In his presence is fullness of joy and at his right hand are pleasures evermore.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Can you praise me now?

This truly blessed me and I just wanted to share it.

By gcmwatch– August 3, 2011

Posted in: Bible Study, biblical exposition, Headline, scripture application, series
The drama in this story is so crazy it sounds like some cable TV reality show. But its not, its true, recorded in Genesis 29:16-35; 30:1-12 Note: the scripture doesn’t tell the story in true chronological form.

In summary, a man has got two women —two sisters— but he’s playing one of them. Having babies by her but not giving her the love she truly wants from him. She’s definitely not the woman of his dreams. Even after popping out healthy kids for him, she still cant get his love. His heart is with the other woman. The beautiful younger sister takes his breath away. But wait, there’s a problem. The other woman isn’t as sexually fertile as the one he doesn’t love. It gets so crazy between the three of them, even other women are brought in to be surrogate lovers.

Amid the many larger than life narratives in the Old Testament, the story of Jacob, Rachel and Leah is perhaps one of the more poignant ones. They are all, in a way, caught up in the drama, victimized and in the process passing on the hurt, pain and mistrust even to their offspring.

In the end, the lesson learned by Leah and its revelatory resolution sticks out as one we all can take a moment to pay attention to.

The hurt inflicted upon Leah is obvious. Of no fault of her own, she is diminished and rejected despite her attempts to give Jacob what she thinks he wants. But from the beginning, Jacob never wanted to be with her.

When morning came, there was Leah! So Jacob said to Laban, “What is this you have done to me? I served you for Rachel, didn’t I? Why have you deceived me?” vs 25

You probably know people in this situation right now as youre reading this. You may have been there yourself. Trying to please someone, doing your best, but when you look in their eyes you can tell they aren’t happy. I’ve been there. You see it in the church as well as in the world. People are wasting away trying to get something that will never produce what they think it should. It doesn’t matter if its a family member, friend, spouse, a pastor or a child some people will never be satisfied with you or what you do to win their affection.

This can cause a tremendous amount of emotional pain and lead to patterns of broken relationships.

This may be more about learning who truly matters and who truly loves you more than anything. In our hearts, there is a place that can only be filled by the love of God. Its a place where the pains of our past must give way to praise because we finally realize that nobody can love us like Jesus can.

Verse 31 says that when GOD saw that Leah was unloved he caused her to concieve, but Rachel, the apple of Jacob’s eye, remained childless. Leah’s focus wasnt on God (like many of us) it was on getting a man to love her. When their first son was born, she knew that things would change