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Wednesday, October 19, 2011


It is disheartening to read online or listen to the news and hear about all this suicides happening all over the place. I am an avid reader of the UK daily mail and sometimes I just get angry at the news of teenagers, married men/women committing suicides or murder suicides.

What exactly can make someone take their own life? You cannot create any part in your body so why do think its right to take your own life? I hear of teenagers committing suicide just because they were bullied in school or called names by their peers or as some claims they are unloved. I will encourage you to visit any African country and see the level of suffering children and adults suffer over there and see if they do not even have a good reason to commit suicide. You live in a privilege country where everything works and you can even get credit so you can afford to buy good things for yourself. You are driven to school by either your parents or the school bus and then a few people who do not matter say something behind you or even in front of you and the next thing you want to do is commit suicide?

I am not making light of bullying having been a victim while I was in primary and high school back in Nigeria and if you really want to see bullying then try Nigeria schools. While in school, I had eczema all over my face and body, bad and crooked teeth, lumpy and fat and a bookworm who was always in the class during recess and lunch because everywhere I go during the study hours in the school compound I was the butt of jokes and snide remarks.

I could recollect a day when one of my classmates lied against me that I took her money just because I was the only one in the classroom during lunch time, I was so engrossed in the book I was reading [King Solomon’s Mines] that I never noticed anyone coming into the class. All my classmates mobbed me and were yelling obscenities behind while I was walking home, I was so ashamed, and my mother had to come with me to school the next day to address the issue with the principal. It was a terrible experience that would have scarred me for life if not for the grace of God. There I was going through a public disgrace for something I never did. I wonder what the response will be if that incident happened here in the US.  I never had a cell phone or home phone while living back in Nigeria so receiving or making calls was for the privileged few. The few times I had to make calls I had to visit a telephone call center and pay to make a call. I guess the advancement of technology have brought in an excess in information hence the cyber bullying.

I have also experienced bullying while  in college and you will not believe it even in the churches I have attended, in Nigeria and here in the States so it goes to show you that bullies are everywhere and they can only get to you if you allow them. Remember “sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you”.

They may call you names but it’s the name that God calls you that is important and he calls you beautiful, good, precious, apple of His eyes, His child and  if you are having struggles in tuning their words out of your mind and heart call on the Lord who is able to deal with the bullies or the situation and give you peace of mind. After all He said “Come to me all you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest”. His word is true, yesterday, today and forever. Trust in Him.

Be encouraged that no amount of bullying/debt/divorce/strife/quarrels etc is enough to get you to take your own life or someone else’s. It does not matter what people say about you or behind you. Turn your anger/humiliation/debt etc over to Jesus and He will surely come through foryou.

Only God have the final say in your life, why kill yourself only to enter another level of suffering in hell fire? Because that is where anyone who commits suicide or murder suicide goes, no matter how good you think they were here on earth. God is the creator and He only have the final say over our lives and we don’t have the right to take a life we never created. Think about this the next time you are contemplating taking your own life or the life of others.

Is it truly worth it?

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