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Monday, November 28, 2011


The spate of things happening in the christian world these days are really troubling. Things are truly getting out of hand, was just reading today about a pastor in Australia who got men in his church to swear an oath of total devotion to him and him alone forsaking their families for him. They are to seek his permission and decision about their daily lives, they are to acknowledge him everywhere they go. They must be in attendance in every meeting where he is ministering, sitting as close to him as possible and give him the necessary props he needs. They must never disagree with him or confront him when he is doing something wrong, his word must be the law at all times.

I understand loyalty to your pastor but not to the tune of elevating him/her to God's level. We are to follow our pastors as he/she follows Christ, they are never to take the place of Christ or to be idolized in such a way that we swallow everything they say, hook, line and sinker. Test every spirit and pray for discernment. There is need to search the Word of God for yourselves and see if what is being preached is in line with God's Word. I thank God for pastors in my life that emphasize studying and meditating on the Word of God. Respect and acknowledge the anointing upon the lives of your pastors but don't place them on a pedestal because a wise man of God once told me, "Men of God are still men at their very best" I pray we don't have another Jim Jones situation in our hands one of these days.

Another pastor in NY decided to have a kissing contest in church on a Sunday morning, thank God at least the participants were married but there is a place and time for everything and having a kissing contest on a Sunday morning is not the place or time for that. FYI this pastor is unmarried and the theme of his preaching for that Sunday was to tell couples to get amorous in church because he feels that is the best message he can preach at this time.  So what's next, maybe a sex or lovemaking contest on Sunday morning? Whatever happened to teaching and preaching on salvation, holiness, Christian living, evangelism, loving God and your neighbor, the coming of Christ etc or is there no more word from the Lord?

Another pastor decided to turn his church into a niteclub with a deejay and playing of secular music in a bid to attract a huge congregation so maybe he will try a magic night, tarot reading or even invite Ms Cleo to come read some palms so he can attract a huge congregation and as they say around here "get paid". Don't even get me started on churches in Nigeria that are teaching philosophical sayings and passing them out as "Revelation from God" pick up a psychology book and you will find most of these so called "Revelations" or "wisdom thoughts".

Many are being deceived that curses and covenants are responsible for their problems and until they come and get flogged, thrown down and start rolling in the dust, their situation will not changed, some have even come up with some ridiculous taglines or  titles for their so called Vigils - "Flogging the devil night,  Killing the devil seminar, throwing stones on the devil conference etc. How ridiculous can one get? Is the devil a physical person that you want to flog, kill or even throw stones at? He must be having a field day when he sees all these posters all over Nigeria metropolis, not only Lagos because the same thing happens all over the country as long as you have gullible people who are too lazy to study the Word of God and pray to God for themselves, the "prayer merchants" will always have customers. Wake up people!!!!!

How long will you remain deceived? how long will you remain complacent, prayerless, powerless when you have A Powerful God who loves you and desires to have fellowship with you. He is always ready to answer your prayers, you don't need any man made mediums to approach God on your behalf. Jesus said " if you ask anything in my name, my father in heaven will give it to you". Jesus took our place on the cross of Calvary, he bore our sicknesses and diseases and by His stripes, we are healed, not going to be healed, not will be healed. We are already healed!!!, delivered from demonic oppression, curses, evil covenant as long as you have given your life to Christ, you are living for Him. He has taken charge of your life and every circumstances and situation have no other option but to bow before that name.

The book of Galatians chapter 3 verse 13 says " Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is everyone that hanged on a tree". Verse 14 says "that the blessing of Abraham might come [not will come and not perhaps come] on the gentiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Do you have faith, then the blessings of Abraham is yours and if it was not written that Abraham was cursed or was living under an evil covenant then why should my case or your case be different? You are already blessed, don't be deceived, believe me I was like some of you until God opened my eyes to see the errors of my ways and turned me around to His way of thinking.

Don't let anyone deceive you with any other strange doctrines that you are spending hours casting out devils you have no business with, attaching evil names to yourself due to your ignorance. You are a child of the Most High and he is willing and able to give you anything you request from Him.

Enter boldly by the way Jesus' shed blood on the cross of Calvary and receive help in your time of need. Study and meditate on the word of God at all times, pray for your needs and above all pray for your pastors, they need it because they have their own challenges and if there is any failure in the pulpit it affects the congregation. Don't forget oil always drips down and not up. Shalom!!!!

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