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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Looking Back with a Thankful Heart.

Looking Back
By: CWalther

When I look back I discover hurt, disappointment, and situations I wish I hadn’t have to face in life. There are things I will have to forget and people I (still) need to forgive.

It’s hard to imagine the lovely blue sky above when all you can see are the clouds in the sky. It’s then that you just want to pack up your things and escape to a place where there is nothing but blue skies and lovely sunshine.

We need to let go and move forward, true. But I don’t intend to be talking about these kinds of things and situations today. What I want to be writing about today is: Looking back to remind ourselves of things we must remember.

At the moment we are facing some “dry land”. Sure, it is lovely to be living in Ireland! We call ourselves blessed to be able to live here - where we can experience the variety of God’s wonderful Creation. What I mean with “dry land” is that we, after we arrived here, started out with “nothing” again: No car, no (own) furniture, etc. And it is tempting to start complaining... and wishing for... if you know, what I mean.

Now it is time to look back and remember!

Looking back to the days just after we’ve gotten married, and to them that followed: We started out with literally nothing. We bought one cup, one spoon, one towel at a time - and shopping was always quite exciting! Soon, we were richly blessed - the LORD was always faithful and kept on providing for us - and had more than enough.

Today, looking back, I want to remember and be thankful for all that the LORD had blessed us with.

We should not be looking back all the times. It makes no sense to be living in the past. On the other side, don’t forget to be looking back: To remember all the many blessings God has brought into your life.

My Footnote: Sometimes looking back seems like the best thing to do but one need to move forward, looking back to what shoulda coulda happened or what didn't happen. That job you didn't get, that engagement that got broken, that dream wedding that never happened, that promotion that never came but what came instead was a pink slip. We can slip into depression thinking on those things we never had, that goal we never attained but remember the bible did say "a living dog is better than a dead lion". We need to be thankful for those days gone by and be appreciative of where we are now and thank God for the future. "Because He lives, we can face tomorrow". God has a plan and purpose for our living if we can just continue to trust Him daily to supply the strength needed for living. So today look back with a thankful heart and move on to a brighter future. God bless you.
Lord, heal my hurts and give me hope as I learn to trust the plans You have for me. I'm coming to You and seeking You with all my heart today. Please set me free from my doubts and lead me into a place of confident hope. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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