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Friday, July 29, 2011


I was just sitting here wondering what ever happened to good wholesome American TV shows/drama/comedies. For instance:

The Love Boat
The Rich Also Cry
Another Life
The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Happy Days - We loved the Fonz!!!
Dr Quinn Medicine Woman
The Waltons
The Cosby Show
Little House on the Prairie – Thank God shows like these are on reruns on various networks
Westerns – In Nigeria we couldn’t really relate to the cowboys and Indians set up but we just watch when there is nothing else going on and if we have electricity.
Soul Train – Everyone I know were all trying out the dance moves, some smart Nigerians even tried to copy the show by producing a locally made one which turned out to be a hit for a while and fizzled out when other competition tried to cash in. [Remember Kessingsheen and Limca anyone?]
CBN News – We couldn’t get enough of Cathy Edwards and Sunday Osho then.

If anyone remembers any more you are free to post.


“According to a recent poll in America, there are 66 percent of young people ages 18 – 36 who believes that you first live together before you get married. The number of couples living together has increased from 523,000 in 1970 to where today there are some 4.6 million couples who are playing house, shacking up out of wedlock. Forty five percent of all women in the US between the ages of 25 -34 have at one time lived with someone”.

It is unfortunate that this trend is creeping into the church of the Living God that we have “so called brothers” testing the goods before buying and giving the excuse that they want to know if they are “sexually compatible” before getting married. That logic sounds good on the surface because some of them compare it to buying a car. Imagine going to buy a new car tomorrow. You go into a dealership, and you see this beautiful car and think “This is it!” ‘The look, the gadgets and the price, all seem perfect and you are swept off your feet. Without further ado you tell the salesman “I’ll take it!” Is that reality? No way! First you want to take this “perfect car” on a test drive. This is the logic of living together.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

You Don't Have To Be Polite All The Time

The Marriage Counseling Blog – Helpful information on counseling for couples and families.

You Don’t Have To Be Polite All The Time

In some marriages, people act very nice and polite all the time. It actually isn’t healthy. Your spouse should be the person that you can show your anger, frustration, sadness, and irrationality to, and they’ll still love you.

As children, we learn the importance of being polite. And this usually serves us well. When you behave in a polite manner, others tend to respond better. You get your needs met more easily and people tend to like you. It makes it easier to make friends and gain respect from others.
This can continue into adulthood. People who behave politely may find their co-workers and their boss like them. Their dates enjoy bringing them home to meet the parents. They make nice neighbors and good tenants.

However, some people carry this attitude of politeness into their marriage. They don’t tell their partner they disagree. They perform tasks and duties without complaining often. They comply to their partner’s requests. When they return home from a bad day at work, you’d never know it.

Why You Should Stay In God's Way

Why You Should Stay In God's Way

Watch your steps

We need to be careful how we walk in our Christian lives. We are examples to others of how Christ wants His people to be. That is the big responsibility, and one that we must take very seriously. Our business becomes the business of other people when it could possibly affect their faith. Who we associate with matters very much to who we want to be. It is good to remember that not only God watches the faithful.

Pressing on towards the goal.

From my Heartlight Devotional: Read and Meditate

Philippians 3:14
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Thoughts on today's verse
The way to walk a tightrope is to keep one's sight on the goal, not on the ground or what is behind. The way to walk with Jesus is to keep our eyes on the goal, his victory waiting for us when he returns, not on the ground (our failures) and not what is behind (our accomplishments). The goal of the Christian walk is to keep walking toward Jesus until we walk with him in heaven.
Lord, I look forward to the day when you call me by name and walk hand in hand with me. Until that day, help me fix my eyes on what you want me to be and not what I've done. By your grace I ask it. Amen.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I Need to share this. It blessed me.

July 27, 2011

Measuring Up
Renee Swope

"When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise." 2 Corinthians 10:12b (NIV)

Do you ever compare yourself to others and feel like you don't quite measure up? Maybe you think you're not as smart, capable, personable, or as godly as they are.

It is so easy to think that if we had more or knew more, we'd be secure. But the truth is, even people who "have it all" still struggle with feelings of insecurity. The Bible opens with the story of a woman who had everything, but it wasn't enough (Genesis 2).

God had established Eve's worth as His child and the crown of His creation. He also gave Eve every woman's desire: intimacy, beauty, security, significance, and purpose. Yet Satan conjured up feelings of insecurity by getting Eve to take her eyes off what she had and focus on what she didn't have.

Lord Reign in me

Dad and Baby

One day shortly after the birth of their new baby, the mother had to go out to do some errands. So the proud papa stayed home to watch his wonderful new son.

Soon after the mother left, the baby started to cry. The father did everything he could think of to do but the baby wouldn't stop crying.

Finally, the dad got so worried he decided to take the infant to the doctor.

After the doctor listened to the father all that he had done to get the baby to stop crying, the doctor began to examine the baby's ears, chest and then down to the diaper area.

When he undid the diaper, he found that the diaper was indeed full.

"Here's the problem", the Dr. said, "He needs a change."

The father was very perplexed, "But the diaper package says it is good for up to 10 lbs.!"

*Thanks to Pastor Tim for this joke!*

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Childrens' view on Marriage. Enjoy!!!

Children on Marriage

How Does a Person Decide Who to Marry?


- "You flip a nickel, and heads means you stay with him and tails means you try the next one." Kally, age 9

- "You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming." Allan, age 10

- "No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you got to find out later who you're stuck with." Kirsten, age 10

Concerning the Proper Age to Get Married


My journey with God started sometime in June 1988 but I was like a the seed that fell on stony ground that grew up rapidly but had no depth and when the sun scorched it withered away because there was no root in me. Matt: 13: 5-7 5 Some fell on stony places, where they did not have much earth; they immediately sprang up because they had no depth of earth. 6 But when the sun was up they were scorched, and because they had no root they withered away. 7 And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up and choked them. I have to be honest I came up for the altar call but I was just in church to please my boss who introduced me to the church, to get the healing she promised I will get by coming to church [I had an issue of blood ailment for 5 years] and to feast my eyes on the clothes worn by the women, sometimes I found myself sketching some of the designs rather than listen to the preacher. [I know there are still people like that in churches today, they might not be there for fashions but they are there for business connections, marital connections, because their parents or friends worship there and not because they have truly surrendered their lives to Christ, if you are in the category it’s time to get real with God, stop your church flirting.] Meanwhile my ailment was still there despite all prayers, deliverances and confessions; sometimes I bleed for 28 days non stop.

At one point I even went to church with my boyfriend and when service is over we go back home to continue from where we left off. I felt then church was just an obligation I had to fulfill once a week and when that is over, God is not concerned with the rest of my week. I can live as I please, O what we do in ignorance!!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

My Heart cry for this nation

3 truths in troubled times

3 truths in troubled times

When Your Walls Don't Come Tumbling Down

I just needed to share this. It truly blessed me.

T. Suzanne Eller

"Even if the fig tree does not bloom and the vines have no grapes, even if the olive tree fails to produce and the fields yield no food, even if the sheep pen is empty and the stalls have no cattle — even then, I will be happy with the Lord. I will truly find joy in God, who saves me." Habakkuk 3:17-18 (GW)

Bills stacked up like accusations. If only you'd worked smarter. If only you had started smaller. What were you thinking?

I wondered if anyone saw me walk around the dairy barn seven times. I was desperate. My young husband worked 80 to 100 hours a week, trying to keep the farm from going into foreclosure. I remembered Joshua, in the Old Testament, walking around the walls of Jericho. God saw Joshua's faith and made those walls come tumbling down.

I hoped marching around our dairy barn might create a miracle for us so I prayed, asking God to bring down our walls of adversity.

Looking back at that time brings mixed feelings. Farming was my husband's dream. This city girl bought into it because she loved her handsome young farmer.

A recession hit the farming industry after ten years of hard work and sacrifice. Our paycheck shrunk smaller and smaller. Friends sold their farms and ventured into the unfamiliar world of 40-hour work weeks and twice-a-month paychecks. But we hung on.

The day came when we realized that our walls of Jericho were not coming down for us. I stood by my husband's side as his dream was loaded up in cattle cars, and then bumped down the dirt road and out of our lives.

I had no words for my sweet husband. The only truth we could hang on to was that God is faithful. It was our anchor during that year of uncertainty.

The prophet Habakkuk also faced immanent disaster, and he too comforted himself as he recalled the faithfulness of God over the years. Life was uncertain, but God's love and providence was not.

Years later I can see clearly how God walked with us through that very hard time, though it was hard to see at the time. We changed careers. We sold our farm. It took years to climb up and out of the debt that remained. Yet somehow God wrapped His arms around a young couple during that time.

Like in Habakkuk's life, God provided moments of gladness for us that didn't make sense. There was laughter as we clung together. Precious family memories of inexpensive outings such as picnics in the park and splashing at a local public pool. Trusting God together became our new normal.

Are you facing a hard time? If so, here are some ideas to encourage you — as you hold tight to Him.

Do your part: Whether financial or other, acknowledge the challenge. We opened the bills. We created a budget and lived within it. We asked if there were actions on our part that led to this challenge, and addressed them if there were.

Let God do His part: Pray for your situation. Praise Him for the blessings you do have and focus on those gifts. Do what you should, and then place what you cannot do in His hands.

Overcoming challenging circumstances involves teamwork as you and God work through it together. Sometimes the greatest miracles come when God changes us and gives us joy in Him, even though our prayers aren't answered the way we prayed they would be.

Dear Lord, times are hard and I need You. I place my trust in You. Even when there seems to be nothing...I want to find my happiness in You. Please give me joy in the midst of this difficult time. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

How Government Works

Once upon a time the government had a vast scrap yard in the middle of a desert. Congress said "someone may steal from it at night." So they created a night watchman position and hired a person for the job.

Then Congress said, "How does the watchman do his job without instruction?" So they created a planning department and hired two people, one person to write the instructions, and one person to do time studies.

Then Congress said, "How will we know the night watchman is doing the tasks correctly?" So they created a Quality Control department and hired two people. One to do the studies and one to write the reports.

Then Congress said, "How are these people going to get paid?" So they created the following positions, a time keeper, and a payroll officer, then hired two people.

Then Congress said, "Who will be accountable for all of these people?" So they created an administrative section and hired three people, an Administrative Officer, Assistant Administrative Officer, and a Legal Secretary.

Then Congress said, "We have had this command in operation for one year and we are $18,000 over budget, we must cutback overall cost."

So they laid off the night watchman.

Funny right?


Listening to Pastor Shirley Caesar’s song “I remember Mama” brought back memories of my childhood but I am remembering my Papa this time. Mama’s turn will come later.

I grew up the apple of my father’s eyes, we were best friends, he was always present at my PTA meetings, at home when I needed him and he was my biggest supporter. I remember in primary and secondary schools, he was always there at any end of the year school activities, so proud to see me receive my awards and prizes. He was my biggest cheerleader.

He made sure no harm came to me. He was my biggest defender although he never spared the rod when I messed up, after each spanking he will call me to let me know why he spanked me, then I always thought “why not spank me again and spare me all these stories” but now I can understand why he did it.

My father may not have taking me fishing, snorkeling, taught me to ride a bike or even taken me to the beach but he taught me valuable lessons of life, how to treat fellow human beings, how to apologize when I am wrong, how to see the other person’s good qualities and work with them regardless and the values of hardwork. We didn’t have much but he made sure he worked hard to provide for us so we don’t go begging for food.

I was my father’s little lady and he treated me as such. He taught me how to cook, [yes he did] keep the house clean, manage resources and always have faith that things will turn out right no matter how bad the situation appeared at first.

I’ve always prayed for someone to love me like my father did and care for me as his princess [still waiting for that manifestation], we had our misunderstandings, arguments and such but through it all his love for me was always shown. I could never do wrong in his eyes, I felt so secured in his love for me. The last thing he did for me before leaving this earth was to pay my school fees during my last semester in college and for that I will forever be grateful.

It’s been 14 years since he departed this earth but the memories I have with him stays with me forever. He might not have been the best husband but he was to me “The world’s greatest Dad”. I wish I could pick up the phone and give him a call when I am going through stuff and missing him like crazy [like yesterday] but I take consolation that I will see him again on resurrection morning and above all I know I have a Father that lives forever more and is always available for me 24/7 – God who is the father of the fatherless and the defender of the defenseless.

I love you Papa!!!!.

In memory of Dominic Sunday Nwokeke.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Bianule, bianule Ihe chukwu mere - Love this song

Should this be happening?

I just wrote yesterday on the need for conflict resolution in relationships and I woke up this morning to read about two grown women fighting on the subway [a public place] and with a baby too. The baby almost fell off into the train tracks but thank God for a good samaritan [God bless her], what would have been the outcome of their fight?
You can check out the story on It's truly an outrage that this women couldn't let go of whatever their beef was and for the sake of the child just be the bigger person and leave matters well alone. Now they are a laughing stock all over youtube because you know people were recording and taking pictures on their phones and one of them posted it on youtube. We need to be people that overlook offences and let things go, it does not make us cowards just bigger persons. A word is enough for the wise.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Conflict Resolutions in relationships

This was a discussion during our family month in the church and I felt to share some of my thoughts on the subject.
First of all we need to move past the pain
Take time out to communicate and work out the the dispute but stay focused on the topic at hand and don't stray into more complex problems.
Use the I statements that expresses your feelings and reactions instead of you statements that blame the other party.
Express concerns gently and don't critize the other party's character traits or try to control their reactions, remember a soft answer always turns away wrath
Ask to be excused if the conversation gets heated and set up a better time to resume when the heat has gone down or the next day.
Don't always assume the other party is wrong and you are right, evaluate yourself objectively and you will find out you are not as innocent as you think.
Don't use the prior conflicts to judge the present one, deal with the present and don't bring the past into it. The past is past.
Do less talking, it sometimes helps or use a timer in extreme cases.
Don't point out the other party's wrongs during these sessions, it aggravates the situation.
Above all FORGIVE AND LET IT GO!!!!!
Comments are welcome

Don't Be Afraid to Step Out - Spiritled Woman

Don't Be Afraid to Step Out - Spiritled Woman

That is exactly what I am doing by starting this blog.

Don't Be Afraid to Step Out - Page 2 - Spiritled Woman

Don't Be Afraid to Step Out - Page 2 - Spiritled Woman

Why I Have to Speak Out on Gay Marriage

Why I Have to Speak Out on Gay Marriage

I want to be more Leaky

This will bless you.

Why I Want to be More Leaky
Lysa TerKeurst

"As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater." Isaiah 55:10 (NIV)

On my back deck I have two identical flower pots. They were planted at the same time. They contain the same variety of flowers and the same soil. They both get the same amount of water, shade, and sun. They are similar in every way but they look vastly different.

One is thriving.

The other is not.

One is full of flowers cascading down its sides. It is lush, full of blooms, and an absolute delight to look at.

The other has a few flowers among the greenish brownish leaves. It is sparse with a few gangly sprigs — not exactly a gardener's delight.

So, I asked my husband the other night why he thought the two containers were turning out so differently. "Simple," he said, "one's got holes so excess water can leak out and the other doesn't."


The one that has the ability to leak out excess water is the one that's thriving.

The one keeping all the water in its container is the one that's not such a beautiful display.

This morning I was reading Isaiah 55:10-13 and it made me think of my flower pot situation.

As the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,

so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace;the mountains and hills will burst into song before you,and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.

Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow.

Water is supposed to be poured out, create growth, and leak out so it can evaporate, having accomplished what it was created to do.

It was never supposed to be poured out, sit stagnate, hoarded by the container thus stunting the growth of life within.

So like God's Word.

God's Word should be poured out into our lives, creating growth, and leak out through the way we live our lives. People should notice we've spent time in God's Word. They should see our joy and peace.

We should be a little less prickly like the thorn bush and briers. We should be a little more fragrant and lovely like the juniper and myrtle.

We should leak God's Word.

Which got me thinking about how I respond to criticism and harsh emails. And I am challenged.

It's not enough for me to just respond properly when I am criticized. I should use those criticisms to remind me how much the world is desperate for encouragement.

I should be a little more leaky with positive emails or notes or thank yous to the businesses and ministries and staff members of my church who bless me week after week after week.

I'm not one to criticize. But I also shouldn't be one to stay neutral and stagnant either.

In order to be the grand display of God I should be, I need to be, more holy...or holey as this case may be.

Be a little leaky this week sweet friends. The one that leaks is the one that thrives.

Dear Lord, forgive me for the time I've been stagnate. I want Your Word to leak out of me so others see peace and joy. Use me today Lord as I seek to respond to others in a way that always pleases You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Turning our eyes on Jesus.

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Such an amazing love

Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog: Bishop David Oyedepo demands five-year single term...

Read below and comments please: I think it's high time Men of God start taking interest in the running of the nation Nigeria. They have been complacent for too long. What do you think?

Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog: Bishop David Oyedepo demands five-year single term...: "At a press conference yesterday, Bishop David Oyedepo called for a five-year single term for President & Governors. Bishop Oyedepo said ..."

Loved by a Trustworthy God

This blessed me this morning and I needed to share.

“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”
Matthew 24:6
Nature is a pregnant creation, third-trimester heavy. When a tornado rips through a city in Kansas or an earthquake flattens a region in Pakistan, this is more than barometric changes or shifts of ancient fault lines. The universe is passing through the final hours before delivery. Painful contractions are in the forecast.
As are conflicts: “wars and rumors of wars.” One nation invading another. One superpower defying another. Borders will always need checkpoints. War correspondents will always have employment. The population of the world will never see peace this side of heaven.
Christians will suffer the most. “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me” (Matt. 24:9 NIV).
But remember: “All these [challenging times] are the beginning of birth pains” (Matt. 24:8 NIV), and birth pangs aren’t all bad. (Easy for me to say.) Birth pains signal the onset of the final push. The obstetrician assures the mom-to-be, “It’s going to hurt for a time, but it’s going to get better.” Jesus assures us of the same. Global conflicts indicate our date on the maternity calendar. We are in the final hours, just a few pushes from delivery, a few brief ticks of eternity’s clock from the great crowning of creation. A whole new world is coming! . . .
All things, big and small, flow out of the purpose of God and serve his good will. When the world appears out of control, it isn’t. When warmongers appear to be in charge, they aren’t. When ecological catastrophes dominate the day, don’t let them dominate you.
Let’s trust our heavenly Father.
Glorious God, all things flow out of your purposes. You are in control even when catastrophes dominate the day. When global conflicts increase, may we remember that these are birth pangs preparing the way for a whole new, wonderful world. May we lay aside all anxiety and fear and see these singular events as signs for rejoicing and anticipating your peaceful kingdom, amen.
Though a host encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against me, yet I will be confident.
Psalm 27:3 RSV

Live LovedBe strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
Ephesians 6:10

From Lived Loved: Experiencing God’s Presence in Every Day Life
Max Lucado

7 Things Your Husband Wants to Tell You

Culled from Shine on Yahoo

by Denise Schipani

While you may not buy into the idea that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, when it comes to communication, men and women do express themselves in different ways. “For women, the purpose of communication is most often to relate; for men, it’s usually to share information,” says Karen Gail Lewis, EdD, relationship therapist and author of Why Don’t You Understand? So while it may seem to you that he disregards your feelings, he might be wishing like crazy you would just tell him what you want. Read on to learn seven things your husband wants to tell you in order to help bridge the communication gap.

1. A small "thank-you" makes a huge difference.
You might think, “I do plenty around here, so why do I have to say 'thank you' whenever he pitches in?” But he probably doesn't agree: “I’d cook, clean, do the dishes and laundry much more happily if my wife said ‘thank you’ more often,” says James.* Just like you, he needs appreciation and, yes, a little ego-stroking. “Studies have shown that happy couples give compliments often. Offering a simple ‘thank-you’ is an easy way to show appreciation and make him feel significant,” says Todd Creager, licensed marriage therapist and author of The Long, Hot Marriage.

2. I’m more likely to offer you concrete advice than a shoulder to cry on.
When you come home from work and start complaining to your husband about your demanding boss, to him it sounds like you’re asking for help—even if all you want is a sympathetic ear. Dave* encounters this often: “The other day my wife was venting about a problem. Every time I came up with a solution or suggestion she would interrupt and dismiss it. She thinks I’m telling her what to do, or implying that she can’t think of solutions on her own.” Know that when he gives you advice for handling that bad boss or overbearing sister-in-law, “that’s how he shows that he cares,” says Dr. Lewis. Try not to confuse his advice with criticism, but don’t be shy about telling him, “You know, I’ve tried that, too. I think what I really need now is to just vent!”
3. If you want a chore done by a certain day, tell me that.
You asked him four times to fix the wobbly cabinet door to no avail, so your complaints about him not doing it seem justified. “My wife does this all the time. I know I have things on my mental to-do list that she wants me to handle, and I will! But unless she tells me it’s urgent, I’m going to get to it when I can,” says Don.* When he hears you ask for a task or chore to be done, all he’s hearing is that you want it done—not that you want it done based on a time line you've set but haven't shared with him, says Dr. Lewis. “He wishes you knew that he’d be very happy to fix whatever you want fixed, so long as you’re specific: ‘It would be great if you got that cabinet door fixed by the time my parents arrive on Sunday.’”

4. Tell me directly what’s bothering you.
Since human beings lived in caves, men have probably sat around bewildered by their mates’ fluctuating moods, wondering why she won’t just say, “I’m pissed off at you because...” instead of, “I’m fine” through clenched teeth. The thing is, he knows there’s something wrong, thanks to the exaggerated sighing and stomping around. “You may think you’re not communicating, but you are. What you feel is being transmitted,”
says Creager, just not in a healthy way. The key is to express it directly––“I’m upset that you came home and went straight to the computer”––rather than being passive-aggressive.
5. Please don’t ask me how you look in that dress.
First of all, there’s no right answer to a question like, “Do these pants make me look fat?” Then there are the times you ask his opinion even though you’ve already made up your mind: “My wife seems to ask things like ‘Should I buy that dress?’ to confirm her choice, not to get my real opinion. And if she asks me how she looks in a dress, I know well enough to say ‘I love it!’ no matter what I really think,” says Alex.* So either don’t ask at all, or be specific, advises Dr. Lewis. “Ask him, ‘Do you think these shoes match this dress?’” And definitely think before you ask things like “Does my butt look big in this skirt?” If you want a blanket “You look great to me all the time, honey!” then you’re fine as long as your husband's willing to play along. But if it’s honesty you’re after, be careful what you wish for.

6. I wish you didn’t think we had to talk all the time to be close.
You both get home from work, or finally get the kids into bed, and then you just sit there watching television. You call this togetherness? The truth is that he does, even if to you, it’s not “being together” unless you’re actively having a conversation. “The silence in the room, and just your presence, feels like closeness to a man,” says Dr. Lewis. “He doesn’t necessarily need, as you might, to be engaged in conversation in order to feel connected to you.” So every now and then, reach out and squeeze his hand, and if you want to talk, say so––but don’t assume that silence equals lack of interest.

7. I wish you wanted sex more.
You may be thinking that your hubby always wants sex, but what you don’t understand is that by rejecting him you’re making him wonder what he’s doing wrong. “Many men think, ‘I must not be so good at it,’” says Dr. Lewis. It’s not just about his needs; it’s also about pleasing you. “Both men and women want to feel intimate with each other, and what women need to understand is that men often derive intimacy from sex––whereas oftentimes women need intimacy in order to have sex. So talk about what you both really want, and find compromises that work for you," she adds. And if you are in the mood? Act on it! He'll not only love that you initiated it, but also appreciate feeling desired by you.

Do you agree? I need your comments.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Whatever happened to singing processional hymns at weddings

I often wondered whatever happened to singing processional hymns at a wedding especially when the bridal train and the bride are walking in. These days what I hear baffles me, we now use secular music in place of hymns and spiritual songs which have deep spiritual meanings and make the wedding a sacred event, if the couple do not want it to be a sacred event, they can as well go to the court house and get married.

One of these days I guess I will hear Dbanj "You don make me fall in love" or Marvin Gaye's "Sexual healing" as a processional song choice since it's the "Bride and Groom's day" and they are entitled to have any song of their choice for their bridal entrance. We have completely neglected the fact that marriage is a spiritual union and the wedding day should be a day unto the Lord where souls can be won into His kingdom because God can save a soul any day of the week and in any occasion that glorifies Him.

One might say I am taking it to the extreme but as a worship leader and a child of God, if you profess to be one too do not let your Christianity be questioned by the music you listen to and your song choice at your wedding because those that don't believe are watching and if they see no difference in you a believer, how do you think they are going to come to the Kingdom, granted you are not the Holy Spirit but don't forget you are the bible they read. Jesus mingled with the Pharisees and sinners of His day but he never participated in their sins.

I believe the clergy in our various churches should vet the processional songs so the couple's choice does not bring reproach to the kingdom and to the church in particular. Like the title of my blog, these are my thoughts, you are free to share yours.


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Gospel Music today, Are we glorifying God, man or ourselves?

While getting dressed this morning for work. I was listening to a very popular african american gospel artist. He was singing a one of his hits and it suddenly dawned on me that there was no mention of God or Christ in his lyrics, it seems he was just singing the song to his wife, girlfriend or someone in his life who he couldn't have made it without them [I know someone might pick up on this].

And there are others like him, some sing make records singing love songs to their wives, girlfriends, fiancees and they are passed up as "gospel songs". You and I know we can fool ourselves but we can't fool God. You are either singing unto the Lord or singing to your significant other. I know when you sign unto a worldly record label, you are asked to remove any trace of God from your songs so you can reach more people but what I need you to ask yourself is this, "Why call it a gospel song" when the gospel is not preached or even acknowledged in the songs. Is that "man's spel" [my words] or wife's spel?. We need to heed the word of God that says "friendship with the world is enmity against God, Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God" James 4:4.

There is another one who started well, singing about the love of God, the name of Jesus, the power in the name of Jesus, proclaiming the gospel and power of God who now is asking for help to believe, isn't that a contradiction? who were you believing when you were singing those songs, now he is singing songs that appeals to the carnal ears. God is saying to you, "Repent, see from where you have fallen and return to your first love".

I listen to Christian contemporary singers/musician and they have never failed to point out the finish work on the cross of calvary, the mercies of God, how He loved us and came to save us, His grace upon us but what do I hear from my "so called gospel singers these days is nothing short of glorifying themselves and not God in order to please man, remember God is watching and His reward is in His Hands. Go back to your first love!!!! The Spirit is calling you, are you going to listen and heed or continue in following  the wrong path. The time is short!!!!

What's happening people!!!

Hey Everyone,
I just started my blog and I will be sharing my thoughts on happenings around me. Be it in the Christian music industry, christian world and how we can impact one another to be a worthy ambassador of Christ. Join me in this new adventure and you are free to comment on any of the subjects I choose to share.