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Friday, July 22, 2011

Should this be happening?

I just wrote yesterday on the need for conflict resolution in relationships and I woke up this morning to read about two grown women fighting on the subway [a public place] and with a baby too. The baby almost fell off into the train tracks but thank God for a good samaritan [God bless her], what would have been the outcome of their fight?
You can check out the story on It's truly an outrage that this women couldn't let go of whatever their beef was and for the sake of the child just be the bigger person and leave matters well alone. Now they are a laughing stock all over youtube because you know people were recording and taking pictures on their phones and one of them posted it on youtube. We need to be people that overlook offences and let things go, it does not make us cowards just bigger persons. A word is enough for the wise.

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