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Monday, August 15, 2011


In the NASB the word most often translated “wait” in the sense of waiting on the Lord is the Hebrew qavah. Qavah means (1) “to bind together” (perhaps by twisting strands as in making a rope), (2) “look patiently,” (3) “tarry or wait,” and (4) “hope, expect, look eagerly.” 

The second most frequently used word translated “wait” is yachal. Yachal means “to wait,” or “hope, wait expectantly,” and is so translated in our English Bibles. 

The KJV sometimes translates yachal as “trust” as in Isaiah 51:5, but the NASB has “wait expectantly” and the NIV “wait in hope.”

A third word sometimes translated “wait” is damam. Damam means “to be dumb, grow silent, be still,” but it is sometimes translated “wait, tarry, rest” (cf. Psa. 62:5 KJV).

A fourth word for waiting is chakah, “to wait, tarry,” or “long for” (cf. Ps. 33:20; 106:13; Isa. 30:18).

Waiting certainly plays an enormous role in the unfolding story of God's relationship to man. It is God's often repeated way of teaching us that His power is real and that He can answer our prayers without interference and manipulation from us. God does not need our help in fulfilling His promises to us, He is God Almighty and He is more than enough.

The waiting period, can seem to be a land where time seemingly stands still. It is a place where life is put on hold. When we are in the waiting room, it seems as if progress has come to a screeching halt. I have always said, "the longest period in a Christian's life is that space between when the prayers were made and the manifestation of the answer to prayers".

So many things happen during that waiting period, discouragement sets in, despair sets it, worry sets in, doubts sets  in,  the alternatives [plan B] ideas show up to trip you up and to make you want to help God speed up His response to your prayers.

What are you waiting on the Lord for?

Maybe you are in a job situation that’s really tough to endure and you are waiting and hoping that conditions will change for the better.

Maybe you are without a job and waiting for news on an applications you submitted.

Maybe you are ill (or have a loved one who is) and waiting for your healing.

You are a single person waiting for Mr. or Miss Right.

You are waiting upon the Lord for the fruit of the womb.

You are waiting for a breakthrough in your finances.

You are waiting for an estranged husband or child to come back home.

Or maybe you are waiting for your spouse or child to become interested in spiritual things and work for the Lord.
Waiting Involves an Expectation Based on Knowledge and Trust: The ability to wait on the Lord stems from being confident and focused on who God is and in what God is doing. It means confidence in God’s person: confidence in His wisdom, love, timing, understanding of our situation and that of the world. It means knowing and trusting in God’s principles, promises, purposes, and power

When I was a Christian single, I decided to wait upon the Lord for a life partner but I felt God was too slow so I decided to help him out a couple of times, what resulted was a lot of wasted efforts, broken hearts and unnecessary trips to meet so called "single men" that were introduced to me by their families all these trips proved fruitless so I finally decided to let go and let God and in His own way and time, he provided my husband with no help from me and I have no cause to regret.

Now I am waiting on Him for the fruit of the womb and all kinds of counsel are coming from the world, friends, doctors and family but I still chose to wait on Him because His word is sure and He will perfect all that concerns me no matter what the enemy is saying or doing.

We need to spend time seeking Him. This means:
  • Time in the Word studying, seeking answers, and claiming God’s promises;
  • Time in prayer praying about the issues, praying for wisdom and discernment;
  • Time meditating on who God is, what He is wanting to do in us and through us, and on what we need to do by way of answers and direction. Included in this might be our need to examine and evaluate our motives and attitudes, our values and priorities, and our goals and objectives in life. 
  • Time in praise, worship and thanksgiving because God is faithful and we are told to be thankful in all situation because that is His will for us at that particular time and in His time he will promote us.
Psalm 27:14. Wait on the Lord: Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait I say on the Lord!

The saints of old have always affirm that during the dark waiting period, when self effort have ceased, a spurt of astonishing spiritual growth takes place within us.Afterwards, we have qualities like more patience, more love for the Lord and those around us, more ability to hear His voice, greater willingness to obey His Word.I pray that is our portion as we wait on Him.

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