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Monday, August 1, 2011


I read an article in a christian newspaper [Light of the World] and it truly got me thinking. As the author rightly put it in his article: ARE YOU AN FBI CHRISTIAN? It dawned on me that some of us are truly double agents, we have a personae for the world and another personae in the church hence my question who are you when no one is looking, do you have a different personality in the church, another one at home and another one at work?

We are witnessing an unprecedented advent of attendance in the pentecostal movement but are we truly seeing changes in our environment or communities or are there christians that will dine with the devil on Saturday evening at night clubs and then come Sunday morning they are lifting up hands in praise and worship? Are you able to stand and defend your faith when confronted or are you going to give excuses or make comments like " actually I am not a believer, I just go to church to fulfill all righteousness" or I live with my parents and since they go to church or Sundays I just go with them so they won't nag me or my wife/husband nags me until I go with her/him".

Last week I shared my conversion experiences and I included the dates, can you remember your conversion date, when you truly made a commitment to follow Jesus? Matthew 5:13-16 said we are the salt of the earth and the light of world and of what good are you  if you lose your saltiness or your light is hid under a bushel or table. When you present a different personae every where you go, then you are double faced and you are hypocrite. Can your co-worker, wife, family testify that you are a person of integrity? can they vouch that you are a child of God? then you are blessed but if you are teased at work or at home when you open your mouth to profess your faith then you need to examine your lifestyle and make changes where its needed.

I have a lot friends on social networking sites and sometimes what they write on their status page makes me wonder what they must be thinking or where they are when they wrote those status messages and it truly makes me doubt their salvation, sometimes I have sent them public and private messages to watch their utterances or what they type on those pages because it sends the wrong messages but sometimes as the bible says "out of the abundance of heart the mouth truly speaks" in these cases their hands when typing truly speaks what is in their heart.

We are hypocrites when we cannot show the world that we belong to the family of God and that is the message we are sending to people around us, when we can not be trusted to represent Christ in our families and communities, when we choose to be politically correct rather than stand by the authority of God's word.
I am not ashamed of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ because it is the power of God unto Salvation to everyone who believes to the Jews first and also to the Greeks. Rom.1:16. I am a believer and I stand on the Authority of God's word.

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