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Wednesday, August 17, 2011


My friend @Billyb had a blog which inspired me to check out a video called Wake Up Church he had posted a few months back and I am inspired to write these words down to present how far the Church has fallen and the urgency to be Jesus' Church. This is about the 1st 2 minutes of a 10 minute video.

David Wilkerson: You will rarely find a message now on repentance. Rather what we have now are prosperity messages, apologetic doctrines, massage people’s ego messages, feel good messages.

Keith Daniel: Look at what has become of the world Church of Jesus Christ!-through you-losing what you should have been. But God waits for His people. God waits for His people. When will they take the stepping stones God has placed in His word? – We need to take a good hard look at our lives in the mirror of the Word of God and examine ourselves if we are truly in the faith and make amends where necessary, we are living in the last days. We are to be like the 5 wise virgins having oil in our lamps so we are not at loss at His coming.

David Wilkerson: Church that has forgotten its foundations. A Church that has turned away from its foundations and becomes a harlot church. We are preaching apologetic doctrines, trying to not offend the congregation lest they leave and the finances of the church takes a dive, forgetting that God should be our source and the not people. People pleasers and not God pleasers.
Carter Conlin: Just, just tell me how blessed I am. Just tell me I'm going to be powerful and popular and gonna have no trouble in my life-just tell me these things! – Just tell me I can give God a hundred and receive a thousand back because God is a money doublers, I don’t have to live a holy life since I am claiming and receiving His blessings so I can continue in my sins and not be afraid of retribution because I am a “tither” God is at my beck and call after all my tithe pays His salary right?

David Wilkerson: Watered down, half truths. This gospel says " Just believe and get saved"-There's nothing of repentance-nothing of Godly sorrow, nothing of turning from your sins-nothing about taking up your cross and following the Lord. But people who say a little prayer said "You're fine, you're good!" Maybe the scripture that says we should “study to shew ourselves approved unto God a workman that needeth not be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth” or “ Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are His and Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity” 2 Tim 2: 15 & 19. Maybe these scriptures are not referring to us, are they obsolete?

Keith Conlin: People believe in any standard-even if it's the New Testament-is legalism and bondage and law! Any standard is law. "I'm under grace, I can do anything." No! That's from the devil! – 2 Cor 7:1 “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.  We are called out to be separate unto the Lord and not to blend in with the world; there should be a difference between those that serve the true God and those that don’t.  We are the called out ones and not the blended in ones. If you are under grace then you know grace is a continuing process and you need to align yourself with the will of God which is holiness and through the help of the Holy Spirit continue to live a holy life shunning all appearances of evil, looking unto Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of your faith.

Jim Cymbala: Now we've revised that and said " If you can get people for one hour on Sunday morning in the building-that's the Church". That's not the Church! " We can use every device we want to get people for 1 hour to keep it early and keep it moving and keep it going." But that's not the Church Jesus built. -  
Hebrews 10:25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (NIV) As members of the body of Christ, we belong to each other.Romans 12:5 .. so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. (NIV) It is actually for our own good that God want us in fellowship with other believers. We need each other to grow up in the faith, to learn to serve, to love one another, and to practice forgiveness. Though we are individuals, we still belong to one another.  We spend a lot of time watching unnecessary TV shows, playing games, doing things that does not edify but we can’t spend a few hours fellowshipping with our fellow brethren in the presence of God? It is a sad day when we are anxious to leave the presence of God. The multitudes were with Jesus every single day, sometimes neglecting their own well being or families, they followed Jesus everywhere he went even when he decided to retreat to a quiet place to pray and meditate, they still followed him so what excuse do we have, Jesus shed his blood for us, died a horrible death on the cross to redeem us back to the Father and we can’t even spare a few hours in fellowship together to share his word through songs and His word? We are truly living in the end times when men are lovers of themselves!!!

Leaonard Ravenhill: And I'm embarrassed to be part of the church of Jesus today because I believe it's an embarrassment to a Holy God! Most of our joy is clapping our hands and having a good time and then afterwards, we're talking all the drivel of the world. – The same people who have just finished fellowshipping with each other on Sunday go home and become monsters during the week, where is the fear of God? We now give excuses not to live a holy life, we have forgotten that we are “a city that set on a hill which cannot be hid” we are supposed to be “the light of world”, the salt of the earth” if our salt has lost it’s flavor, it can only be trampled under foot. Our lives in and out of the church should reflect Christ’s love even to the Sand paper people that rubs us the wrong way because God purposely put them in our paths to straighten our the rough patches in our lives, it’s not time to get offended at them, ignore them, curse them out, keep malice with them but it’s time to show them the love of Christ peradventure their heart will be touched and their souls will be saved through our actions towards them. 2 Tim 4:5 “ But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry”.  The people we associate with on a daily basis are our pulpit, so we need to ask ourselves, what is our message to them?

Hope this inspires! God Bless y'all richly! Dave
Excerpts from [Wake up Church Transcription]
The words and bible references in italics are mine.

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