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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Conflict Resolutions in relationships

This was a discussion during our family month in the church and I felt to share some of my thoughts on the subject.
First of all we need to move past the pain
Take time out to communicate and work out the the dispute but stay focused on the topic at hand and don't stray into more complex problems.
Use the I statements that expresses your feelings and reactions instead of you statements that blame the other party.
Express concerns gently and don't critize the other party's character traits or try to control their reactions, remember a soft answer always turns away wrath
Ask to be excused if the conversation gets heated and set up a better time to resume when the heat has gone down or the next day.
Don't always assume the other party is wrong and you are right, evaluate yourself objectively and you will find out you are not as innocent as you think.
Don't use the prior conflicts to judge the present one, deal with the present and don't bring the past into it. The past is past.
Do less talking, it sometimes helps or use a timer in extreme cases.
Don't point out the other party's wrongs during these sessions, it aggravates the situation.
Above all FORGIVE AND LET IT GO!!!!!
Comments are welcome